Preparing for War

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Chapter 56: Preparing for War

"What are we doing here?" Dagur shouted through the loud, snowy wind.

Eira wanted to know the answer to that as well. After taking a few days to settle in on Berserker Island, Viggo insisted he knew the perfect dragon to use against Krogan and Johann. Of course, Runa and Eira came along to make sure he treated the dragon right. And Dagur was there to supervise. Viggo rode with Runa, and the two of them led the way to the snowy mountain.

"You'll like this, Dagur," Viggo said. "In ancient times, the Singetail was one of the most feared dragons. However, there was one dragon whose powerful blasts could neutralize the Singetail's fire... the Skrill." As if on cue, lightning cut through the air, and a hovering Skrill snarled at them.

Dagur's face lit up. "A Skrill?! We're going to capture a Skrill?"

"Train, not capture," Eira said. She shot a quick glance to Viggo. "Right?"

"Of course," said Viggo. "I gave you my word we would do this your way."

"He's not too happy we're here," Runa said as her dragon dodged a lightning bolt. "Skrills are extremely territorial."

"Just like Berserkers," said Dagur.

"Not to worry," Viggo said. "I have a plan. We need to land."

That was easier said than done. The Skrill pursued the dragons as they made for land. It was a struggle to get out of the way of the lightning blasts, but they somehow made it. Viggo hopped off Fireheart and pulled out his dagger.

"Uh, what are you going to do with that?" Eira asked nervously.

"Just watch," said Viggo. He slowly waved his dagger in front of the Skrill, and the dragon followed it with his eyes. "That's right. That's right. Berserkers used metal daggers to lure Skrills into traps. The dragon is drawn to this due to its electrical properties. I'm sure you knew that, Dagur."

"Oh, uh, yes, of course I knew that," Dagur said with a sheepish smile.

Viggo continued to wave the dagger. "That's right. We are not enemies." He held the dagger still with his left hand while he slowly reached his right hand out and touched the Skrill on the snout. "We need your help, dragon. I want to be friends." The Skrill let out a low growl of approval.

"Very good!" Runa said with a pleased smile.

Viggo smiled back at her. "Can you help me train him?"

"It would be my pleasure."

"I can help too!" Dagur exclaimed. "And before you invite this guy back to Berserker Island, you should know that dragons cannot fly over the center of the island."

Viggo's eyebrows lifted. "Really? That is not normal. I will have to look into it."

"Are you planning on riding him?" Eira asked, gazing at the Skrill. The idea sounded bizarre, but she would have loved to see it.

"That would be ideal, yes. We can take it slow for now. We're still getting to know each other."

"I think you'll do great," Runa said. "We're glad to have you with us."

Viggo smiled at her and then turned to Eira. "Have you alerted Torvald that Johann and Krogan only need one more Dragon Eye lens?"

"Yes," Eira replied. "I'm not sure how much warning I'll have before they show up, but here's sure to send some soldiers."

"It would be smart for them to arrive after the upcoming midnight sun. Let me know when they do. I would like to speak to whoever is in charge to coordinate our efforts."

The Strength of the Princess (HTTYD)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora