Uneasy Alliance

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Chapter 38: Uneasy Alliance

The dragon riders worked quickly to secure Dragon's Edge before the impending attack. They hid in their huts when the Shellfire struck. Unfortunately, the first wave was about all they could handle. Once it was over, they met in the clubhouse to discuss their next course of action.

"Okay, I'm not sure about you, but there's no way I'm sitting through that again," Snotlout said. "We have dragons; we should be out there sinking their ships."

"The fire isn't coming from the ships," Hiccup explained, "it's coming from the Shellfire."

All eyes were on Viggo as he strolled into the room and spoke: "I hate to be the one to say I told you so but-"

"How did you get out?!" Hiccup exclaimed.

Viggo smiled. "My friend Snotlout was good enough to allow me to use the facilities."

"Oh he did, did he?" Hiccup shot Snotlout an accusing look.

"What?" Snotlout said. "He scares me. And besides, when you got to go, you got to go, and who knows that better than me?"

"Maybe you could have kept an eye on him?" Eira suggested.

Snotlout made a face. "Ew, gross."

"That's not what I meant..."

"Hiccup, you must allow me to assist you for the sake of us all," Viggo said imploringly. "The Shellfire range is over a mile. Ryker is using ships - my ships to be exact - to protect it."

"Then we need to get passed the ships," Astrid said.

"We better do it quickly," Hiccup said. "Ruff, Tuff, you're up."

"We're on it," Ruff said.

"Hey!" Snotlout said. "What about me?"

Hiccup gestured to Viggo. "Just look after your new best friend there. And Eira, you watch Snotlout."

"Where's the fun it that?!"

"It's not supposed to be fun. And I don't care how scary he is, do not let him out of your sight again."

"Hiccup," Eira said tentatively, "I think maybe you should let Viggo help. We have a common enemy, and it wouldn't make sense for him to turn on us at this point."

Hiccup hesitated at the door. Eira saw conflicted emotions on his face, and for the first time, she thought he might listen to her. Then he glanced at Astrid, and his resolve hardened. "I'm sorry, Eira. It's too risky to try testing one of your theories."

"But-" Eira grit her teeth in frustration when she was left alone with Viggo and Snotlout. When would the others take her seriously? She had been right about Dagur... She sighed and turned to her companions. "This isn't very productive."

"I agree," Snotlout said. "I've got a better idea. Come on." He looked back at Viggo to make sure he was following him and then led the way out of the clubhouse.

"You need to be more forceful with Hiccup, Eira," Viggo said as they walked. "Show him you mean business."

"He does have a thick head," Snotlout agreed. "He rarely even listens to me."

"Hiccup is worried about making the wrong decision," Eira said. "It's a lot of pressure to be in charge of so many people... and dragons."

"Which is why he needs to learn to delegate," Viggo said. "Not everything needs to be on him."

Eira agreed, but she did not think this was the time to bring it up to Hiccup. Snotlout led them to the stables, where he promptly locked Viggo in a cage. This way, they could go fight instead of watching him.

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