Hookfang's Dilemma

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Chapter 12: Hookfang's Dilemma

Hookfang was missing. Snotlout had thought he was acting weird the previous day, so Hiccup suggested he lock him up to keep him safe. But the Monstrous Nightmare had broken out and was nowhere to be found. Eira and Astrid helped search on their dragons while Snotlout rode with Hiccup on Toothless.

Then a Monstrous Nightmare cry filled the air, and the riders headed in that direction. They landed in a clearing where they found Hookfang standing in front of the entrance of a small cave.

"This place again?" Snotlout said. "This is where I found him last time."

Astrid gasped and pointed. "Look! There is another Monstrous Nightmare!"

From behind Hookfang emerged a second dragon, who appeared hesitant about the newcomers.

"That's not just another Monstrous Nightmare," said Hiccup. "That's a female Monstrous Nightmare."

Eira smiled. "Aww..."

Snotlout's eyes went wide. "A female Monstrous Nightmare? Now it all makes sense. My dragon has a way with the ladies!" He smirked. "Must have picked up a few pointers from his master."

Astrid rolled her eyes. "I doubt it. She's not dry heaving."

Snotlout shot her a look. "Okay, shush." He took a step towards his dragon, who growled at him. "Hookfang, time's up. Let's go."

"Snotlout, you might want to tread lightly," Hiccup said. "He's looking wee bit territorial."

Of course, he did not listen. Eira winced as he got too close to Hookfang and was thrown across the grown. He relented and headed back with everyone to Dragon's Edge. In distress, he explained everything to the other riders.

"Snotlout, it's not that bad," Astrid said. "It could have been a lot worse."

"I'm sure he'll come home eventually," Eira said.

Snotlout nodded. "You're right. I know that dragon. I know what's in his heart and in his head. He'll come back to me, like he always does."

Fishlegs shifted uncomfortably. "Uh..."

Snotlout rounded on him. "'Uh' what? You're gonna tell me he's never coming back?"

Fishlegs winced. "Uh..."

Hiccup frowned. "Fishlegs?"

Finally, Fishlegs spoke hesitantly: "Hookfang wouldn't follow his training, he wouldn't eat, he ran away twice, he picked another dragon over you. He pushed you away. All the symptoms are here."

Snotlout eyed him suspiciously. "Symptoms of what?"

Fishlegs took a deep breath. "I think Hookfang is going feral."

"No, not going feral!" Tuffnut cried.

"The cruelest turn of events," said Ruffnut. She blinked. "Wait, what's 'going feral' mean?"

Tuffnut shrugged. "I have no idea."

"It means that meeting this female has reawakened his primal instincts," Fishlegs said, "and he's returning to the wild."

Snotlout glared at him. "Shut up, Fishface! What do you know?! Hookfang needs me."

Eira looked at Fishlegs uncertainly. "I have to question that as well. You all have only just started training dragons, right? How do you know this is a thing?"

"I may not have observed it with dragons, but it is common with other animals," Fishlegs said.

"Dragons aren't just 'any animal,'" Snotlout said. "Right, Hiccup?"

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