Chapter 45

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Tonight was the funeral, or at least the warrior way of a funeral.

I helped to set up the wood and bring over the bodies. It was grim work but I knew it needed to be done.

There was a large almost barren field behind the coven, which was where the fire would be set. Warriors carried large dead trees over, preparing a place for their fallen comrades.

The number of casualties was vast, half of the coven had been killed. I didn't know all of them, but whenever I came across the bodies of the warriors I knew by name, it shook me a bit.

Ruby was one of the first I knew to have died, I helped carry her lifeless body towards the funeral pyre. Another I knew was Ryker, the young man who Emily had fought and almost killed.

Then of course, Cyrus as well.

Malik helped me carry the master warrior, his expression sullen.

We didn't speak, I could tell words were not needed at this time.

When everything was set and all the bodies of the warriors were placed into the pyre. We all stood in a semi circle, including Camilla and her warriors. Many of them had also lost their lives in the fight, I could tell just by looking at her how heartbroken she was.

Malik stood at the top of the semi circle, facing the pyre. His mate was next to him on his right while Camilla stood to his left. I was next to Emily and Xavier, the rest of the warriors fanned out beside us.

Malik took a step forward, all eyes turned to him. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"My fellow warriors, those from my coven and from our sister coven. We stand here to honor our fallen sisters and brothers. We grieve tonight, saddened by our loss, but the pain of losing our friends and loved ones will burn with the fire as we rejoice with the memories of them. We will remember them, speak of them, and see them again one day, for this is not the end of the book, merely the end of a sentence. Spend time with your brothers and sisters, laugh, reminisce, love and live your lives to your fullest, ut nos ad mortem et iterum."

I stood in awe at his words as every warrior repeated the Latin words, 'and in their death they might bring us to meet again'. The emotion in his eyes was radiant, but also the truth behind his words caused even my chest to feel tight.

I did not know these people, not really, but just from Malik's words I could tell that within the coven, they were all family.

He turned to me after a few moments of silence and nodded his head. He had asked me to be the one to light the fire beforehand and I gladly accepted.

I stepped forward, towards the pyre and extended my hand. I made fire erupted from my palm until every log was lit ablaze.

I stepped back into my spot in the semi circle, Emily grabbed my arm and gave it a loving squeeze before moving down to intertwine our fingers.

No one spoke after that, this was a time for silence, for grief. The only sounds were the crackling of the fire, and the rustling of trees.

Soon people began to leave the circle. They would bow to the fire and step away, heading back towards the coven.

Eventually, after a few hours, the only people left standing were me, Emily, Xavier, Malik, Camilla and Camilla's head warrior Lucine.

The masters were not allowed to leave until the fire went out. It was a sign of respect to stand and watch over until there was only ashes and embers.

I could tell the fire was almost done burning, so I looked at Emily. She didn't need to hear me ask, she simply nodded.

We both bowed low to the dying fire before standing and leaving in silence.



The last flame had gone out.

I stood silently next to Camilla, everyone else had left, as was tradition.

I turned slightly to look at her. I could see a couple tears trial down her cheek.

Sadness washed over me, that and guilt. I blamed myself for not being there when my master needed me. It had been eating at me ever since.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't there to protect him." I whispered lowering my head.

She snapped her head towards me, her eyes filled with shock.

"No, don't say that, you did everything you could." Camilla replied with certainty. I waited until she collected herself. "Cyrus was going to die soon, he knew that." She struggled to speak, tears threatening to fall, but she kept her composure. "He knew his time was close, but he also knew that when he did die, you would take his place. He had no regrets, no second thoughts, I truly believe he is at peace."

I stared at her, doing my best to keep back my own tears.

I hadn't even really thought about it that way, I felt to guilty for his death. I hadn't been there, I would carry that with me, but it was better to think Cyrus was a peace above all else.

"Thank you Camilla." I said softly. A small smile rose on her lips.

"You will be a wonderful leader for your coven Malik, I have great faith in you." She cupped my cheek with her hand for a few moments. I smiled at her, grateful she was here.

I didn't know much about her relationship with Cyrus, but I knew she loved him deeply.

I hoped she would live a happy life, even without him.

I also hoped she would be around for awhile to share her wisdom with me in the absence of my master.

The sky began to change from black to shades of blue with the rising sun.

We both turned to the ashes and embers of our fallen warriors and bowed deeply in respect.

We were silent as we made our way back to the coven.

The morning air swept around me, embracing my body with a chilled warm.

Birds began to chirp and the forest began to come alive with the rising sun.

It was a new day.

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