Part 21 - Stories

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Coffee in hand Ricco felt the bile rising in his gut, the nausea took a hold of him as he opened a magazine on the breakfast bar, setting eyes on the headline

Celebrities best looking couple! Pop-Rock star and Craze frontman Dexter Rose and gorgeous Aimee Saint star Isy Brennan are dating!

Ricco wasn't usually one to fall for ridiculous made up news stories but the photos were more than convincing this time, it wasn't just words this time, it was there, visible on the page in front of him. There were two photos printed next to the story. In both photos you couldn't quite see the guys face but it sure looked like Dex, skinny jeans, same build, same dark hair, long fringe falling down over his face, the girl had her back to the camera and her head was mostly covering his face. The second photo was of them hiding hands but taken from behind. Ricco couldn't tell for sure but it there was a good enough chance that it was Dex for Ricco to feel sick to his stomach. He had to put down his coffee as his palms began to sweat at the thought of having to tell Millie, he knew she would be crushed and even if it wasn't him, the world was going to see it and believe it, it didn't matter if it was him in the photos or not, Millie was going to be humiliated in front of the world either way.

Ricco was angry, he wanted to rip that scrawny little dicks head off! He warned Dex about messing Millie around. He wanted to jump on a plane and go punch his lights out! He could feel his hot Italian blood beginning to surge through his veins, he balled his fists instinctively squeezing them tightly.

He could hear Millie moving around in the bedroom, slightly panicked and still undecided as to what to do he hid the magazine in a drawer and got up to to make her coffee.
"Morning babes" said Millie, her voice quiet and crackly as she walked into the kitchen.
"Hey doll, sleep well?" He asked, keeping his back turned to her, busying about in the kitchen. He knew his face wouldn't hide that there was something wrong if he turned around, she knew him too well, he needed to avoid eye contact.
Millie laid down on the sofa and closed her eyes.
The story was burning a hole in Ricco's brain, he couldn't keep it from her, he knew if she didn't see it now someone else was going to tell her, most likely gossip queen Sophie as soon as she got to work, it was definitely better coming from Ricco, she needed to know and be prepared with what she wanted to say when other people started asking about it.
Ricco brought her coffee over and set it down on the table. Millie opened her eyes
"Cheers bab" she said with a smile, sitting up.
"So how do you think yesterday went?" Asked Ricco, attempting to stop the magazine story from seeping out of his lips
"Good I think, didn't it?" She asked, needing his reassurance
"Yeah, It was amazing babe, I bet you'll be getting calls from Gucci and Prada and all the others today! By the end of the day I'm going to be fighting them all off to keep you at Salvo's" he smiled
"I'd never leave Salvo's!" Said Millie
"Babe, if one of those wanted you, there's no way I'm letting you stay at Salvo's!!" Ricco asserted
"We'll see what Mr. S says later, he'll have heard from all the big names by lunchtime" Ricco added. Millie was nervous, what if they hated it, what if they thought her collection was too street, too casual, too, Millie! She knew her relaxed style wasn't to everyone's taste and she assumed most people who liked names like Prada and Gucci preferred more high end stuff than what she did.

Ricco sat in thought for a moment, he was dreading her finding out about the magazine, he knew he had to tell her.
"What's up?" Said Millie, the battle in his mind was written all over his face.
"Mils I need to show you something" said Ricco, avoiding eye contact. With Ricco's tone of voice Millie instantly felt her stomach knot, she knew something was wrong.
He went over to the open plan kitchen area and grabbed the magazine from the drawer.
He handed it to Millie and sat down next to her, he put his arm around her and pulled her into him, kissing her on he head, knowing he was about to ruin what was probably otherwise going to be a really exciting day for her.
"I'm sorry Mil" he said quietly. As much as he always thought Dex was never going to be good enough for her part of him was hoping he was going to be, for her sake.
Millie scanned the headline on the front page

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