Part 30 - Interview

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It was early, Dex hadn't properly woken up yet. Dex yawned as he, Jesse, CJ and Zach sat in the green room waiting to go live on a chat show. It was the first time they'd been interviewed on the couch as well as performing. Dex was nervous, it was always him as lead singer that had to answer the majority of the questions in every interview they ever did. it was live and he didn't want to mess it up.

He checked his phone one last time before handing it to Mac to keep safe. He'd heard nothing from Millie since she left this morning, he figured she would most likely call him tomorrow, he knew she'd been in lots of meetings during the day.

Mac took his phone, along with Zach, CJ's and Jesse's, Jesse was nervous about handing his over. The last thing he needed was to add 'trying to screw Dex's girlfriend' to the list of things he had done to piss Mac and the rest of the band off.

Jesse was suffering this morning, his fever had amplified a hundred times over night and the restless legs that his drugs councillor told him he might experience had kicked in with full force at around 3am! His 'babysitter' had joined the crew this morning, making Jesse feel about 2 inches tall. The guy had administered Jesse's subutex medication and some clonidine to keep his blood pressure down and help ease his symptoms on live TV!

Mac was worried, Jesse was volatile, unpredictable, the last thing the band needed was a drugs story in the media to ruin their image.

A crew member came over to take them on stage

"Jess, behave!" Said Mac with that look he always gave Jesse.

"Yeah" replied Jesse, rolling his eyes. As long as he could keep his legs still, he'd be fine.

The interview was going as well as it could, Dex was managing to answer most of the questions, he had lots of fans in the audience who were
shouting things out which made it easy for him to bounce off them and crack jokes and generally made for a better interview. Jesse was coping with his chills and just about keeping his legs still, CJ looked as though he was sleeping with his eyes open, a frequent look for chilled out CJ. Zach was attempting to deflect some questions away from Dex, all of them seemed to be directed at Dex, it was as if he was a solo singer who had just brought his band along for company. It often annoyed the other guys, it was as if Dex was all they were ever interested in, instead of the band as a whole.

The interview was nearly over, all they had to do was perform their latest single and they were done

"Just one last little game" suggested the host Ricky. Dex was nervous, no one had pre-warned him of this and he had no idea what was coming.

"So I'm gonna read you some rumours that your fans have given me" announced Ricky, a section of the audience roared with cheers and screams. Dex felt himself getting hot, this wasn't going to be fun he thought.

"Ok so, Dexter, do you have a Lucie Goldham Barbie doll?" Asked Ricky, grinning from ear to ear. Dex winced at the sound of his ex's name.

"Uh, no, I don't, does that even exist?" He asked pretending he had no idea. Truth was he knew it did, he went with Lucie when she met with the designers to make decisions about how The Barbie would look, he had one at some point but had no idea where it was now.

"I'd does Indeed exist" Said Ricky, pulling one out from under the desk he was sat at, he handed it to Dex.

"Oh wow" exclaimed Dex, looking over the doll, pretending it was the first time he'd ever seen it.

"Ok, Zach..." Ricky started. Dex sighed in relief, he was off the hook for a couple of minutes

"Is it true that you've been married before" asked Ricky

"Woah! These fans know their stuff!" Exclaimed Zach, he had, but literally no one outside his close circle of family and friends knew that.

"Err.. yes actually. I was married when I was 20, but only for a few months" he admitted

"How the heck do they know this stuff!" Zach added, genuinely baffled.

"Ya obviously got some very dedicated fans" said Ricky. Nodding, Zach laughed.

"CJ!" Yelled Ricky. CJ jumped

"Are you going to ask me if I'm deaf?" Joked CJ

"Cuz i wasn't.. but I might be now! Why you shouting at me man?" Asked CJ

"Just checking you're still with us" replied Ricky. The audience laughed. CJ was known for not paying attention, falling asleep anywhere, day dreaming and just generally being in his own little world.

"Ok, is it true that CJ stands for 'Computer genius' but when you were a kid you thought genius was spelled with a J?" Asked Ricky

"What?! These questions are dumb, ya'll" said CJ addressing the fans in the audience

"No, it's my initials, Caesar James!"

"Seriously where are you getting this stuff from?!" He asked, looking at the audience again. There were lots of giggles coming from the girls in the audience.

With one girl randomly shouting "Dex I love you!" Dex laughed

"Thank you" he replied, he got that all the time and it always made him feel awkward.

"Je-SEE" said Ricky. Uh oh thought Jesse, what was coming, he prayed it wasn't anything to do with drugs.

"Ok, here's your rumour from your fans in the audience, is it true that you once dated a guy?" Asked Ricky

"Uh, that is absolutely...... not true I'm afraid Ricky" joked Jesse, that was easy he thought.

"I'm afraid to disappoint but I'm as straight as an arrow and I've never dated a dude" he clarified.

Dex was hoping that was it, they'd all had a question, and he knew there wasn't enough time left to give everyone a second question so he figured he was probably off the hook.

He just needed to perform, but that was the easy bit, that was the bit he was good at.

"Dex, one last one for you" said Ricky

Oh for fuck sake thought Dex

"Are you, or are you Isy Brennan?" Dex hated questions about his love life! He was really annoyed that these questions hadn't been pre-approved as the other interview questions had been. There was no way to answer that question without incriminating himself. If he said no people would just assume he was lying after all the pictures and stories that had been in the press lately.

"Am I dating who?!" He asked, deciding that playing dumb was the best bet.

"Isy Brennan from Aimee Saint" Ricky repeated

"I have no idea who that is, so err.. no. I'm not dating whoever that is" he replied.

"What even is Aimee Saint?! That's a weird name, right?" Said CJ

"It's their initials isn't it" said Jesse,

"Like Alice, Isy, Maisie, Ellie & Erin, I think, I don't know what the Saint parts about though, I wouldn't call them saints!" explained Jesse, the audience laughed, as did Ricky.

"Oh I see, you know a lot about them.. are YOU dating Isy Brennan?" Joked Ricky, laughing

"Not yet!" laughed Jesse, hoping people would read into his choice of wording and it would take the attention away from the rumours of her and Dex. He felt a little guilty like he owed Dex something.

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