Part 42 - Confrontation

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Dex stepped off his flight and the California heat hit him like a fireball, he'd been in and out of Europe for so long now that he couldn't handle Cali heat anymore, he's started to prefer the lower temperatures in the UK.

After sitting in the airport all night he felt a little bit better after a long sleep on the 12 hour flight and had had time to think things over. He wasn't sure how to play it with Jesse, did he try to be civil and talk it over or did he go in there and smack him one! The latter was more appealing to him.

He was mad at Millie, he might have expected this shit from Jesse but he trusted Millie, he never thought cheating would be something he needed to worry about with her. Despite Jesse's reputation, he'd been his best friend for years, he never expected him to stab him in the back like that.

He only had an hours drive to decide, Jesse and the rest of the band would be waiting for him at the venue, they were playing this evening and he had sound check in little over an hour.

With no security he was dreading walking out of baggage claim. LAX was always one of the worst airports for being mobbed by fans! He was a little annoyed that Mac hadn't come to get him himself but he assumed Mac wasn't overly happy that he'd jumped on a plane with no warning and ran away from the wedding when they had a big run of shows starting in two days.

He pulled his cap down low and put his sunglasses on. Rolling down his shirt sleeves so his recognisable tattoos didn't show. He knew his most die hard fans would recognise him if he had a bag over his head! But he felt like he was minimising the chance of being spotted even if only a little bit.

With a rucksack slung over his shoulder he cautiously walked through the doors into the main airport terminal, he tried to keep close to the people in front of him in the hope he could sneak through looking like part of their family. But unfortunately his plan failed miserably, it only took around 0.05 seconds of being through the doors before girls started to shout his name and flock towards him until he was surrounded and going no where fast! He always wondered how they could possibly know he was going to be there, it was a personal, last second decision to fly from the wedding in Santorini to the UK, he spent two days in the UK with his brother Felix and then flew into California. No one outside of his close circle should have known, but somehow they always did. There were a group of around 20 girls that seemed to show up literally everywhere he went in America! It was nuts!

"Dex! Dex! Please sign this for me"

"Dex can I hug you?"

"Dex is Millie here?"

"Dex I love you so much!!"

"Dex I made this for you"

He couldn't even think straight with questions from every direction, girls touching him and hanging all over him, shoving things in his face.

"I'm sorry girls I haven't got long, I'm late for sound check already and I'll get in trouble!" He said, trying to be as polite as possible despite his annoyance. He knew they would all be at the show that evening, he didn't get why they all couldn't come and speak to him there, he always tried to make an appearance after each show to sign things and take photos with fans.

"Dex is Millie here too?" One girl asked again. He wasn't looking forward to their break up being publicised and all the questions he was going to get following it.

"No, sorry, she's in Greece for a family wedding" he replied, he wasn't lying at least

"Dex can I have a photo with you?" Asked another. He leaned down to pose with her, with his cap and glasses covering most of his face you could barely even tell it was him, she could have had a photo taken with any random man in the airport and it would have looked much the same.

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