Part 37 - The Wedding

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The plane touched down at the Airport, Millie was so excited, she couldn't wait to see her sister walk down the aisle but she was nervous to see Dex, she'd not seen him in a couple of weeks and wasn't sure if the weird air between them would still be there. She knew it was for her, she felt like he was becoming someone else that she didn't know anymore, a liar, living a double life. The sweet, attentive boyfriend when he was with her, the lying, sleeping around attention seeking pop-star when he was away.

She was sure it wasn't going to go any further than it had but it was Aria's wedding and there was no way she was ending it and ruining her wedding so she was just going to put it to the back of her mind and concentrate on her sister.

He was flying in the following evening with the rest of the band to perform at the wedding in a couple of days. His relentless schedule only allowed the band to be there for 2 days but 2 days seemed like a lifetime compared to most of Dex's visits, usually 24hrs at a push!

She wanted Dex there but she was pleased she would get the rest of the week in Greece with her family and Ricco once Dex had left. She rarely got to see her family, she was so tied up with work and they had busy lives too. She was going to make the most of every minute spent with them this week. From the plane window she could see the turquoise blue crystal clear waters of the coast, the weather was beautiful, it was so chilly back home, some vitamin D was going to do her the world of good.

The eve before Aria's wedding had arrived, Millie, Ricco, Amber, her little sister Lexi and her boyfriend Nate, her parents and the rest of her wedding party sat down for a pre-wedding dinner in the hotels outdoor restaurant, Ricco approached the table carrying a tray of several multi-coloured cocktails.

"I hope they're not all for you babe?" Laughed Millie

"They damn well are" said Ricco putting them down on the table.

He smiled handing one to Millie and one to Amber.

"Ok the rest are for me" he smiled.

Millie glanced around the table. It was lovely to see all the people she loved all together, chatting, laughing, relaxing. She looked over at Aria, she was whispering something onto her soon-to-be husbands ear, they were both laughing. Millie smiled. She could watch her family be happy for hours. Engrossed in people watching she jumped when a commotion broke out some way behind her. She looked behind in the direction it was coming from.

"He causes a fucking scene whenever he goes!" Said Ricco, laughing. He wasn't wrong.

Looking over her shoulder Millie saw Dex and the rest of the band walking out of the hotel into the open air restaurant, surrounded by a group of about 20 girls they'd managed to pick up walking through the hotel. They were squealing, all talking to Dex at once, trying to touch him.

Millie sighed. She was hoping for a bit of anonymity out in Greece, but unfortunately many of the hotel guests were British.

Millie felt bad. She didn't want Dex being there to ruin Aria and her fiancé Craig's day. She was worried he was doing to upstage the wedding and get more attention. Dex fought his way through the crowd and over to Millie's family's table.

"Ok, that's it now girls. I need a little space" said Dex, the girls all looked disappointed but thankfully, reluctantly left.

"Alright babe" smiled Dex, Millie tipped her head back to kiss him.

The rest of the band said their hello's to everyone.

Aria got up from her seat and walked around the table to where the band were stood.

"Thank you so much for being here guys" said Aria, kissing them one by one.

"Of course" said Dex. He wasn't going to complain about playing a gig in beautiful Greece that meant he got to see his girlfriend for a few days!

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