Part 29 - Confessions

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Later that morning Millie sat nervously in the boardroom of Gucci's New York office, she was annoyed that Ricco was running late, she couldn't do this without him. She fidgeted in her chair, pulling down her black skirt to try to cover more of her bare legs, feeling like she'd chosen the wrong outfit today. She was getting more and more flustered, she undid the top button of her blush pink blouse and fanned her face with her paper. Usually she felt quite confident at work, she always made an effort to dress well, her hair was always up and perfectly neat and her make-up was always on point, but today having had no sleep on a hot tour bus and with thoughts of last nights borderline cheating conversations she felt far from her best, despite a quick shower she felt dirty in mind and body.

She could hear Ricco's voice outside of the room, he was always the loudest! A few seconds later he burst into the room laughing with several other people following behind. She wished she had his confidence with strangers, you'd think he'd walked into the room with a bunch of his best friends instead of corporate executives from a major fashion brand.

He walked straight over to Millie, she stood up to greet the exec's, she hated this part. Her legs felt like jelly as she held her hand out to shake each of them's hands.

"Hello, Amelie Vine, nice to.. t' meet you" she stumbled over her words

"Hello Amelie" said the older lady, peering over the top of her glasses, she smelled like coffee and cigarettes! Millie tried hard not to show her disgust for the aroma that surrounded her. At least no one was going to notice her sweaty bus smell over that stench!

"Rita Graham, head of design. I've been looking forward to meeting you! I've heard wonderful things about you my dear" she said, Millie faked a smile as she was overwhelmed by her disgusting cigarette breath!

She glanced at Ricco who was stood behind Rita making faces, he'd experienced the stench of her 5 minutes ago when they'd met in the lobby.

Everyone made their way to their places around the large oval table.

Millie needed to flip the switch that made her go from introverted Millie, hater of situations like this to confident, extroverted career hungry Amelie. Usually the switch came naturally at work but today she was struggling, her mind on other things.

She put her phone on silent and placed it down on the table in front of her. A message came through immediately, she glanced down, not wanting to pick the phone up and seem like she was rude or wasn't fully listening.

From the angle she was sat at she could just make out what it said

Jesse Hendry
No reply then? x

"Hey, how was your night?" Whispered Ricco leaning into her

"Interesting" she shot him a cheeky smile

"I'll tell you after" she added, knowing he was a gossip queen and the suspense of waiting until after the meeting would be killing him!

She remembered the message Jesse had sent that she deleted this morning when she was with Dex but hadn't taken enough notice to know what it said.

Rita was still faffing about in the corner so Millie quickly replied

I had to delete, I was with Dex, can you send it again? Mil x

She waited anxiously for his reply, the meeting got under way, she would have to wait to read it, whatever it was.

Rita waffled on for what seemed like an hour, Millie glanced down at her phone and noticed he'd replied, trying not to be noticed she tilted her phone slightly on the table to read it

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