Date with Conan! Part 1.

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    It is 4:45 in the morning, the morning of Conan and I hanging out.  I was unable to fall asleep easily last night, and I can't seem to fall back asleep now.  I'm just TOO excited to date my biggest crush! Apparently so is he.  Because he texted me 10 minutes before I woke up.  So he texted me at 4:35 saying "Good Morning, Love!🥰😘☀️" "hehe, good morning love! How did you sleep last night?" "I slept okay. Not the greatest though." "Aww, me neither. I was too excited to see you today! Sorry you didn't sleep well." I Say. "It's okay. You're worth losing sleep over. 🥰" Conan replies. "Likewise." I said.
"Hey would you wanna go for a drive and maybe get some hot chocolate or something since we're both up? Start our date a little early?" He asks. "YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!!" I exclaimed. "I'll be there in 15." Conan said. My heart speeds so fast, it could win a 50K race in 5 seconds. I jump out of bed and brush my hair and my teeth. I floss as well to make sure there's no gunk in my teeth. Then I get dressed and spray on one of my favorite perfumes. He knocks on my door not a minute late.
"Come in!" I Shout excitedly! He opens the door and gives me a super tight squeeze. I invite him in and we chill on the couch. It's dark out still since it's barely 5:00. We sit on the couch together knees right beside eachother, as we lay on our backs. And we sit up and chat. I live in an apartment so we had to be kind of quiet. It was very relaxing. Very chill. We sat there just chatting about random things. Then we decided to leave, to go on a coffee/hot chocolate run. We leave the apartment and I lock the door behind me. When we get outside to the car, he runs to the passenger side, to open the door for me like a Gentleman. "Thank you!" I say. "Of course my dear." He says.

A Boy Named ConanWhere stories live. Discover now