The first night home

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        The first night back home, First night of the babies being in our home, It didn't go well.  Because of me not wanting to separate from them, it really was hard for me.  It was hard specifically emotionally.  So I stayed up most of the night, from my emotions.  Conan stayed up with me.  It's so sweet, but poor Conan.  It was his choice to stay up with me, comforting me, and when I was calm, just to stay up just because.  I finally fell asleep in his arms around 3:30 in the morning.  So he fell asleep a little later than that, because he wanted to make SURE I was asleep.  At around 6:50 in the morning, one of the babies start crying.  Conan offers to get up to take care of the needs.  But I insist I do it.  "Are you sure love?"  Conan asks.  "Yeah! I'm so exhausted but I'm happy because the baby needs me.  It means I can see them."  I say.  The other one starts crying now though.  "Alright, Yeah, come help."  I say, looking at him.  It turns out Luna needed a diaper change, and needed to be fed.  So I get all that taken care of, and while I do that, Conan rocks our son back to sleep.  Luna crying woke Him up, so that is why he was crying.  He needed no further care.  Then he stands behind me, and we both sing his song "LookAlike," while also rocking her, because it is so soothing.  So quiet.  Our little Luna goes right to sleep.  "Alright love, great job! Thanks for your help."  I whisper, to not wake them up again.  The sun is starting to come up, but we desperately need more sleep.  Even just another hour.  "By the way, what time did you end up falling asleep?"  I ask Conan.  "Well, the last time I checked my phone, it was 4:15.  "Ugh, Baby.  I'm sorry.  I know it's not my fault, but I care about you.  I hope you sleep well now."  I say, in a caring tone of voice.  "Thank you.  And I wish the same for you."  Conan says.  "Thank you."  We get back in bed and get under the covers, cuddling close.  We both fell asleep pretty quickly.  I ended up sleeping until 11:30, and I sat up in bed, watching him continue to sleep.  He didn't wake up until 12:45.  "Good afternoon baby.  Do you feel better now that you got a good amount of sleep?"  I ask.  "Yeah.. Afternoon? What time is it?"  He asks.  "12:45."  I tell him.  "Oh wow!  I obviously needed it.  I NEVER sleep this late.  What time did you sleep til?  Also, do YOU feel better after getting more sleep?"  He asks.  "I slept until 11:30.  And yeah, I feel a lot better.  I still feel like I need sleep, but not as badly."  "Well That's Good you feel less tired.  Even just a little bit."  He says.  "Hopefully now that we got through the first night, the second night will be much easier."  He says.  "Yeah, because I should be less emotional because I got through one night already."  "That is my greatest hope."  Conan says.  "Yeah, and I hope so too.  Especially because you will sleep better tonight too that will mean.  Since you stayed up with me last night."  A few minutes later, we hear crying from the nursery room.  This time, it's our son that needs a diaper change, and food.  We go together, and I pick him up.  "By the way, what do you want to name him? I'm thinking of Corbyn, or Conan Jr.". I say.  "I think Corbyn has sort of a ring to it.  I think I like that name for him.  But We'll think a bit longer."  Conan decides.  "Okay.  We have to come up with a name eventually.  Hopefully soon.  We can't just keep referring to him as "our son."  I laugh.  "That's true." He says. A little bit later, he says "You know what, Conan Jr. sounds pretty nice I think. Especially if he's a "Maniac in the making." Don't hold me to that though. I still don't quite know. I don't know. Like, the idea of him being a singer with me, I could name him Conan Jr. doesn't have a ring to it. However, maybe. It'd be better not to name him Conan Jr. because then I might be setting him up for sadness and a struggle to find love. I don't wanna do that. But also, although it doesn't have a ring to it, it makes me sad to think of our son not being named after me. I seriously don't have any idea." He is like, very stressed and emotional about it. "Alright, how about if we set a goal to figure out the absolute perfect name for him, within a week." "Alright. That should work." He agrees.

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