Date with Conan Part 2.

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      After 3 and a half hours of driving back to our own city, we finally got back.  So now it was 12:00 noon.   "Hey Conan, do You want to look in the grocery store and see what snacky foods they Have, to tide us over before our 2:15 dinner/lunch plans?  Or go to my apartment, to just chill some more?"  I ask.  "I might wanna chill.  We could go to your apartment and maybe nap."  He says.  wow! Cuddles with Conan! I thought to myself.  "SURE! Let's go!"  I say. 
      We get to my apartment and I say, "Let's seeeeee.... we've got bananas, muffins, Crackers, cheesecake, Ice cream,... want anything?"  I ask.  "Uhh, Yeah.  I would love a Banana please."  He says.  "Okay, love."  I say.   "Thank you, I appreciate it."  Conan says.  He finishes his banana and I eat mine, and he asks, "Alright, wanna cuddle?"  "ME? AND YOU? Of COURSE! I'd LOVE to cuddle with you!  You can be my Teddy Bear!"  I say.  "Awww, you're cute! For many reasons.  One of my favorite things though, so far is definitely the fact that you get so excited about the little things and show it really well! I love that! I'm excited too of course. But like you shout with excitement and it's the most adorable thing ever!" Conan says.
The cuddle session begins. I lay down and stick my arm out so that when he lays down next to me, I can wrap my arm around him, securely and comfortably. That has been accomplished. He feels so comfy immediately. "Ahhh, this feels so nice." Conan moans quietly, but not at all in a sexual way. I hold on a little tighter to him, and we both close our eyes. We're both facing the window that is in my apartment, that allows us to see the outdoors. We don't fall asleep yet. 10 minutes later, he rolls over, and buries his face against my chest. Gently pressed against it. I could feel his warm breath against my chest, and up my neck a slight but. I rub his back very gently and lightly with the arm I have that isn't underneath him, holding him tight. And soon he is snoring very quietly. I lay my head on top of his a little bit, and fall asleep soon too. But only for about 20 minutes. Then I kept watching Conan sleep, and watching him move in his sleep. I melt, becoming SO much more in love with him than I already was. I didn't even think that was possible. Because before, I had been SO beyond in love with him. In his sleep, he kept scrunching his face as he kept burying it closer and closer into my chest. And eventually I started rubbing the back of his hair. Such LUSCIOUS hair! 😩😍😍😍😍😍 I've never felt such thick, soft hair. And it's SO beautiful! I then began swirling it very slightly, because his hair is kind of long.
     He wakes up by 1:30.  He doesn't want to stop cuddling, but he knows we had lunch/dinner plans for 2:15.  He moans, (again, not sexually), and says "I don't wanna stop cuddling."  He says in a whiny voice.  So I tell him, "We could go to Red Robin to get food to go.  That would be fine.  Then we could set up a tray table, that we can share, and sit down, make ourselves comfy on the couch, and watch some of your old videos, or Turn on the TV.  Because honestly I feel like just chilling with you, like you feel like chilling with me.   And NOTHING feels better than you against me, wrapped in my arms.  So yeah, how does that sound? Wanna just get food to Go, and have a fantastic rest of the date just relaxing, comfortably?"  I ask.  "I couldn't have come up with that compromise myself.  And nothing sounds better!"  He says, smiling, speaking into the pillow.  He hoists himself up.  "Alright, come on, let's go!"  He says, all giddy.  We go back out to the car, after I lock my door to my apartment of course. 
    And off we go to order our food.  We get there 15 minutes later, because Red Robin is close from where I live.   When we walk in we instantly get greeted. "Hello, welcome to Red Robin.  Are you getting for here or to go?" The lady asks.  "Hi, we would like to order food to go please."  Conan responds.  "Okay, would you like to look over the menu real quick?" The lady asks.  "Uhh, yes please."  Conan says.  The lady hands us the menu and we sit down on the bench.   We look over it for 10 minutes before officially deciding what to get.  I wanted to try something new.  So did he.  Once we figured out what we wanted, we waved her over when she was not busy.  When the lady comes up, we say "We're ready to order."  "Okay, let me just grab a pen."  So she does, and she takes our order.  "Alright, so what will you have?"  "I'll have the Cowboy Ranch Tavern Double please.  And she'll have the Banzai burger, but minus the Tomato, and maybe Add some Bacon, in place of the tomatoes?  Also, a couple sides.  We would like Fried pickle Nickels, and the Garlic Fries please.  Also, I'm very sorry, this is a big order.  But can we get a to go cup of the Strawberry speckled Lemonade? 2 please."  "Yes of course! Don't apologize.  I've taken much bigger orders.  Trust me.  It's fine.  I'll get that going for you guys right now."  She says, smiling.  Within 25 minutes, we get our food, pay, and tip, and leave.  Back to my house we go! YAY!  We hop in the car and head back to my place.
15 minutes later, and we're home. Conan carries the bag, so I can unlock the door. When we get in, I grab the tray table, and set up all the food. I then turn on the tv, and place it on the YouTube setting. We decided to watch his videos. We sit down, making ourselves comfortable, and start laughing SO hard at his videos. We have a genuinely good time!  "Wow! The cowboy in me really jumped out! It told me to go for the Cowboy Ranch Tavern Double, and it is SOOOO good! How are you liking your burger?" He asks.  "Oh I LOVE mine! The pineapple gives a nice juiciness to the hamburger, and it gives off nice flavor.  And thanks for ordering it with Bacon instead of a tomato.  It's a sweet and savory burger, and it satisfies all my expectations.  But it wouldn't be half as nice if I didn't have someone to share it with.  Not like you'll eat mine, but you know.  I mean you have your meal, I have mine, we are sharing sides, and just having your company is SO nice! I love you."   I pause.  "Is THAT too soon?"  I ask, getting quiet and blushing.  Conan just chuckles and says, "No silly, I love you too!  This has been the best first date ever!  And therefore you can bet your sweet heart, We will last, and I'd love to make you be officially my girlfriend.  Cause you know, they say during a first date, you're not exactly dating.  It's just to see if you want to date them.  I'd like to change that. Also, I've never really been in many relationships.  I have only been in 2 before me, and we never ever cuddled.  This is the first relationship where I am cuddling with another human."  He says.  "Aww, same here! I've only been in 2 relationships before, and didn't ever have cuddle sessions.  And it's the BEST feeling, having you in my arms.  And COOL, because I'd love for you to officially be my boyfriend!"  I say, swooning. 
       "So what do you usually look for in relationships? I don't really know much about Dating."  I say.  "Well, lots and lots of cuddles, Nothing more in that area, like, no sex. Not yet.  I also love Makeout sessions, tiny random, unexpected gestures, such as surprise, for no reason gifts.  I don't require that.  That's how I will treat you though.  And I also like Holding hands, and any date we go on, will most likely end up with us at one of our apartments together.  And there's much more that I'd love to try with you.  Of course I'll ask you first, because I never want to make you uncomfortable."  He says.  I smile at him, and say "That all sounds really awesome! I do love holding hands, and all that.  Never experienced Makeout Sessions though, but I'd love to try with you.  Just like the cuddling, and GOD YES PLEASE!  I LOVE cuddling with you! And I'm not much of an indoor, chill at home, dating type of person.  At least I wasn't before.  I would therefore LOVE to end up going to one of our apartments to just chill after a while of outside dating."  I say, very excited and passionate about the last two things. "Also, I'm SO glad that you're not wanting sex from a relationship.  Every guy I've met before you, which was as I said, only 2, only wanted to have sex.  When I'm not ready for that.  And I guess they didn't love me, because I was always told, if a guy really loves me, he would wait.  Nope, the guys before, have broken up with me because I wasn't ready for sex.  I hate when people are only getting in relationships just to get sex.  Obviously not everyone.  But lots of guys now a days, I know because my friends and family who have been in relationships got break ups because of the same reason.  But you seem to be a keeper.  You're a gentleman, and so sweet, and good to have in my presence.  I already have a feeling all that was worth it."  "Aww, well I'm sorry that those guys you ended up with before, only wanted sex.  People suck sometimes.  It's clear you have not lost your virginity Yet.  As well as I have not.  Because You probably want to wait until you "find the One", which I secretly wish it was me."  I smile weakly, in love.  "You are just so sweet and adorable.  And I hope I do get to lose my virginity to you.  The way I will know you are the one, is if I get married to you,  (and secretly I want to marry you one day)." I laugh and say, "I love that these secrets, aren't really secrets now that we have announced them."  Then he starts laughing.  We stop laughing and I continue.  "Anyways though, I just want to say, I want to wait until I'm married because I wouldn't want to 1), risk getting pregnant so young, and 2), because although my parents would be fine with me becoming pregnant as long as I did everything in my power to prevent pregnancy, if we were to break up, I wouldn't want the baby to not have a father."  I say.  "I TOTALLY respect that.  You are a wonderful woman.  You're already thinking about how your baby would be affected if it were to not have a father.  That's love right there, and self respect.  I love that!"  He says.  Then he asks me, "So what do you do/want to do for a job?"  "Well, I have a job, because I would not be able to pay for this apartment.  I work at A Nursing home for the elderly.  I just get them their food, and feed them, and talk to them, and do other minor things.  I can't physically do certain things, because I have Scoliosis and my doctor told me I can't do that.  But I love what I can do.  Because even the little things, causes the elderly to be happy.  And nothing has ever made me happier."   I say with a big smile on my face.  "Wow! You're such an amazing soul! You have a heart of gold."  "Thank you!  You know, I took care of both of my grandmas.  Everyday I took care of my grandma when she lived with us, at my mom and dad and sisters house.  And I took care of my other grandma by staying the night with her when my aunt and uncle and cousins were away.  I made both of my grandmas happy simply by doing that.  And there is nothing more I love than to make people happy."  I say.  "So anyways, what about you?  Where do you work?"  "I work at the Dave and Busters.  Which is great! It pays well, because of all the people that visit daily.  And also, guess what that means? Free tickets to play games!  That's the advantage/perks workers have for working there."  I gasp.  "NO WAY!!  I LOVE Dave And Busters! It really truly is basically an adult version of Chuckie Cheese!  We DEFINITELY have to make that be a date night thing every once in a while!"  I shout very excitedly. 


A Boy Named ConanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang