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the character charli is now leilani, i've updated my characters list just in case you guys want a visual!


i was currently waiting for mattia to pick me up from my house. it was seven fifty seven and my dad wasn't home. when i asked him for permission to go, he said it's fine since he won't be home until
late at night.

a car beep interrupts me from scrolling through instagram and i grab my stuff to leave. i unlock the house and open mattia's car door to get in.

"hellooo." i drag out the o and say hi to him. he looks so good. he's wearing a tight kappa shirt with some black jeans.

"someone's in a good mood." he smiles at me.

"i am ready to party." i say and turn on the radio station. no guidance comes on and i start singing.

"trips that you plan for the next whole week!" i sing and mattia laughs as he puts the volume higher.

a while later, we arrive at the party and there's a line of cars filed up beside the sidewalk. this placed is packed. i walk in with mattia beside me and look around at the place. this place is a lot nicer than tyler's. i feel bad for whoever's house this is, this place is so trashed up.

"madison!" i hear a girly voice say from behind me and i turn around to see leilani.

"hey!" i tell her and give her a short hug.

"bitch the hot guys at this party are to die for." she exclaims and i laugh. leilani always has energy no matter what time of the day it is.

"i'll be with the boys if you need me." mattia says and i nod before he walks away.

"want a drink?" leilani asks me.

"yes please." i tell her and we walk to the drinks area.

i see leilani grab a few bottles and mixing them all together before handing it to me. i take a sniff out of the cup and i cough. i've had my fair share of drinks before, but this smells strong.

fuck it.

i take a big gulp out of the cup and make the ugliest face ever as the harsh taste attacks my taste buds and goes down my throat. "this shit is strong!" i tell her.

"it tastes good after a while." she tells me. "so, you and mattia?" she wiggles her eyebrows at me and i breathe a laugh.

"it's not like that." i tell her as i take another sip of the drink.

"you are not fooling anybody home girl." she tells me. "either you like him, he likes you, or you both like each other."

"dude, he's literally my best friend." i tell her and she playfully rolls her eyes.

"and that, my love, is how it all starts." she tells me before we walk to the dance floor and dance to the music.

i look around to see if i recognize any familiar faces. "i really don't want to see hector or jenna." i tell leilani over the loud music.

"just drink and forget." she tells me as she takes a sip out of her drink and throws her hand up.

taking her advice, i bring the plastic cup closer to my lips and drink what's left of the cup. i scrunch my face up and then laugh. this is going to be a fun night.


"dude that bitch is thick as fuck." said alejandro as he stared at some girl talking to her friend. "i'm gonna go for it."

we all cheer him up and pat his back before he walks towards the girl. my eyes scan the room and i notice madison dancing with that girl from calculus.

she looks so beautiful in that green bodysuit and tight jeans. "is she drunk?" kairi interrupts my thoughts.

"nah, i don't think so." i say with my eyes still on her and he laughs at me.

"you like her don't you?" kairi asks me and i scoff.

"i don't like her bro." i say in an annoyed tone. i can't like her already, i've known her for like three weeks.

"then why do you care about her so much?" kairi asks me and i shrug.

"she's a nice person." i tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"it was never like this when you started out with jenna." he says and i sigh.

this olaf looking ass is really getting on my nerves. i hate how much he knows me.

"dude, what's your problem? so what if i like her?" i tell him and he puts his arms out in surrender.

"there it is." he says. "that wasn't so hard?" he tells me and i lightly push him.

i look towards madison and she has another cup in her hand. okay maybe she is drunk.

i walk towards her and take the cup out of her hand. "hey! give it back!" she says and i raise the cup high.

"we've been through this mattia, i'm not short." she tells me and i laugh.

"you're shorter than me though." i tell her and she laughs a bit too hard.

"i'll just get some more." she slurs as she tries to walk as straight as possible.

"madison you're drunk." i tell her and she laughs.

"just a little." she says as she laughs at herself. she looks towards the direction behind me, "what the fuck is kairi doing?" she asks and i turn around confusedly. what is she talking about?

i turn around and see her put the now empty shot glass down, "wow, real slick." i tell her and she laughs.

"slick is my middle name." she tells me and i can't help but burst into laughter. drunk madison is funny. confident by justin bieber starts playing and madison's eyes shoot up. "let's dance!"

she grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor. "i don't dance mads." i chuckle as i see her dancing in front of me.

"loosen up 'tia, we're having fun." she tells me as she grabs my hands and dances.

people begin to cheer as everyone turns towards the door. once i get a clearer view, i notice jenna and hector walking hand in hand.

madison notices everyone and she turns around to see for herself. "what the fuck.." she says in surprised tone. "you guys deadass broke up like three days ago." she says.

"hey." i place two fingers under her chin and lift her head up. "we came here to have fun not to pay attention to those dumbasses." i tell her and she nods.

the dj plays the song louder and madison continues dancing. "you know, you look really good today."

"damn so i've looked bad every other day?" i tell her with a small smirk on my face.

"no!" she exclaims. "you've actually never look bad." she says.

"i can say the same about you." i tell her and her cheeks change into a rosy color.

jenna and hector are on the dance floor practically fucking each other with clothes on. they keep making eye contact with us and madison notices the look at my face.

"what's wrong?" she asks me.

"they keep looking at us." i tell her and she looks their way to see for herself.

"let's give them something to look at." she says.

before i can finish saying what, she grabs the back of my neck and pulls me down to her lips. my hands slip around her waist as she closes the space between us. we're so close i could smell her sweet feminine scent fragrance she has on. my heart was beating quicker and quicker our lips danced in sync.

author's thoughts
also, thank you so much for
1k reads. y'all make my
heart skip a beat o whateva.
i hope you enjoyed this
chapter ❤️ yes, charli is now

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