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leilani came to my house and kept me some company as we waited for lauren to come home. my phone was blowing up with tags from the picture i posted earlier. i didn't even notice the hickeys on my neck until mattia texted me about it and i immediately took it down.

i didn't want to look at the notifications i was receiving, scared that i'd be bashed for doing teenage things. before leilani came over, i made sure to color correct and conceal the hickey. the last thing i want is for my dad to find out i have them.

a knock on my door interrupts my thoughts and i immediately hurry towards the door. "lauren!" i yelled as she dropped her bags and gave me a tight hug.

"you have some explaining to do." lauren points to me and walks over to leilani. "hi, i'm lauren." she says and she gives her a hug.

"leilani." she greets back. "dude what is it with everyone talking about you?" leilani says as she scrolls through her phone.

"maybe we should go upstairs." i told them and they followed behind me.

we entered my room and i made sure to close the door before standing in front of leilani and lauren, who were both sitting on my bed. "mattia and i had sex." i told them and both of their eyes went wide in unison.

"i don't believe you." leilani says. "you're the biggest virgin i know." she says and i push her face lightly as lauren laughs and high fives her.

"wait, so the hickies are real?" lauren asks and i nod in response. she gets up and moves my hoodie down, "i don't see them." she says.

i walk over to my vanity and take a makeup wipe out. i pass it over my
neck, wiping it until the makeup comes off. leilani's hands cover her mouth and lauren's mouth drops to the floor.

"congratulations bitch!" leilani yells as they both give me a tight hug.

"sshh!" i shush her for being so loud.

"how does it feel?" she asks and i smile.

"it feels..nice." i smiled thinking about yesterday's event.

"she's reminiscing." lauren says as she pokes my sides.

we were on our way to pick up mattia and alejandro to take them to the airport. robert agreed to take kairi, roshaun, and alvaro in his car.

lauren was excited considering she's been dying to meet new people. she's always been a social butterfly and never has an issue starting a conversation.

leilani pulls over to alejandro's house, mattia and alejandro both walking out of his house. i scoot over to the middle seat and mattia opens the door.

he leans in and gives me a kiss before fist bumping lauren, "lauren you came." he says.

"yeah, so did you." she tells him as she raises her eyebrows his mouth drops and his eyes shoot at me.

"i had to tell them they're my best friends." i told him and he smiles before putting an arm around my shoulder.

"i'm alejandro." alejandro introduces himself to lauren and sticks his hand out.

lauren replies with a small smile before shaking his hand. "lauren."

"are you guys staying at a hotel?" leilani asks and mattia shakes his head.

"we rented out an airbnb." he responds to her.

"yeah, it's so nice." alejandro says. "it has a pool, two floors, and like five rooms."

"what do you guys need so many rooms for?" lauren asked them and i laughed.

"hey, three of us are single." alejandro says. "the boys might need their privacy if you know what i mean."

i roll my eyes at his words and mattia pushes him, "i just can't wait to go to universal." mattia says.

"dude you're the biggest pussy i know when it comes to riding rides." alejandro says and we all laugh.

"you're afraid of rides?" lauren asks him and mattia shakes his head.

"yes he is, you should've seen him at the fair." i told her and they laughed.

"that's why you were holding on to me the entire time we were on the ferris wheel?" he shoots back and i raise my eyebrows.

"okay, but i'm afraid of one ride." i tell him.

"bitch the ferris wheel?" leilani says as she looks at me through the mirror. "that's the least scary ride."

"exactly!" mattia says as he pats leilani's shoulder. "she gets it."

"i disagree." alejandro says. "i saw this youtube video once about a ferris wheel rolling off of the metal things." he explains as he shudders.

i go ahead and pat alejandro's shoulder, "he gets it." i say and mattia laughs before kissing my temple.

a while after, we finally arrive at the airport. as much as i'm going to miss mattia, i'm excited to spend some time with my girl friends.

"guys we get it you're going to miss us." said alejandro as he got out of the car.

soon enough, robert's car came after and they all got out of the car. they rest of the boys introduced themselves to lauren. "text me as soon as you land." i grab mattia's face.

"okay, mom." he jokes before placing a small kiss on my nose. "behave good and don't get drunk please. that's all i ask." he tells me and i smile back.

"no promises." i tell him and he looks at me with a stern face.

"i mean it." he tells me in a serious tone. "i don't want anything happening to you while i'm not there."

"as long as you don't do anything stupid, i won't do anything stupid." i respond.

"promise?" he asks.

i take my pinky out, "i pinky promise." i tell him before he wraps his pinky finger around my mine and we kiss our promise.

"you and pinky promises." he laughs before engulfing me into a hug.

"what? they have meaning." i defend myself.

"it's cute." he responds.

"please be safe." i tell him and he playfully rolls eyes.

"okay love birds, we're going to miss our flight." roshaun says and mattia flicks him off.

mattia places a hand on my cheek and licks his lips before connecting our lips. he gives me a meaningful kiss and looks at me, "i love you." he smiles and licks his lips again.

"i love you too." i smile and he kisses my
forehead before he starts to walk away.

"bye guys!" lauren says as she waves at them walk away.

soon enough, they get farther and farther away before they disappear. "girl time!" leilani yells before we all walk to her car.

author's note
it's been too long. i'm finally back & ready to write and update. it's big boy mattia's birthday he's already 17 bruh that's insane. i made an instagram! it's called @h0ney.lux! i'm going to use that instagram as way to update you guys on what to expect, answer any questions you guys have, do polls about what you want to see & what you don't want to see, and other things too. i love you guys so much thank you all for the support you guys have given me. being a writer is a way i can let out all of my feelings and it's a way i like to cope.

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