12: mine. yours..?

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around 7 minutes passed without the omega letting go of jungkook, which he didn't mind. he had taken place on his chair again, had pulled taehyung with him, the omega now sitting on his lap as they hugged.

it felt like a dream come true to have taehyung this close, to be able to brush his hands through his hair and listen to his heartbeat. jungkook closed his eyes.

"i'm sorry if i'm interrupting your work, i just.. needed to see you."

"shhh, it feels nice to have you so close..." the alpha mumbled with his deep voice, sending comfortable, warm shivers down taehyung's spine.

pleased, taehyung snuggled closer to jungkook, until he remembered what had happened the other evening. he pulled a little away to be able to look into his face, his arms remaining around jungkook's neck though. "are you alright? you left so urgently and then yoongi and hoseok said you didn't come home... i thought something happened to you.."

jungkook felt delighted with the thought that taehyung worried about him. "i'm fine. you're also fine and that's all that matters to me, pup."

"w-were you mad at me m? did i do something wrong? i'm sorry, i know i hurt you—

"for someone who just woke up, you're already thinking too much," jungkook smiled softly, brushing taehyung's hair from his forehead.

taehyung blushed, looking away. "i'm just.. concerned."

"don't worry your pretty head about anything. i was never angry with you, nothing of what happened that evening was your fault, okay?"

taehyung hummed quietly. he didn't dare look up to jungkook again though, as the thought of why he really was here hit him.

the alpha noticed the change in the omega's mood to unsureness and grabbed taehyung's chin, turning his face to look at him. "is something troubling you, pup?"

taehyung gulped. "w-well, actually, i have to tell you something.."

jungkook looked down at him with curious eyes, as taehyung shuffled down from jungkook's lap, to sit on the table in front of him, their eyes being on the same height now

"did something happen?" jungkook asked now, more worried, not being able to read taehyung's expression.

the omega bit his lip and took a deep breath. "a-am i really your mate?" jungkook was taken aback and his expression quickly was replaced by a sad frown.

"i thought you already know. i thought you were so happy to see me, because your wolf can feel it now... i-" jungkook's voice was so quiet, so broken. his heart was breaking at the thought of taehyung still not feeling it.

"kookie, look at me." taehyung demanded and the nickname let jungkook feel ten times lighter. taehyung looked at him with equally sad eyes. "m-my wolf doesn't tell me that you are my mate-

"stop! tae, please stop. i don't want to hear it anymore, it hurts." the alpha stated looking down, feeling uneasy, somehow lost... broken.

taehyung sighed. "no, please listen to me... i don't feel any bond, my wolf is quiet but i- i want you to be my mate. i want to be yours too, jungkook. if, like you say, someday my wolf is gonna tell me that you're my mate, i will pronounce that day as the happiest day in my life." taehyung chuckles lightly, tears forming in his eyes again, as he softly smiled at jungkook.

"my wolf feels nothing around you, but i do. i want you to hold me, to reassure me that i'll be fine. i'm happy when i'm with you, jungkook and i don't have to pretend around you. mate or not...i-i need you... i love you."

jungkook's gaze instantly went up, his eyes wide open as his brain tried to process what taehyung just said.

i-i need you... i love you.

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