15: jealous

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walking through the school halls, next to his mate, jungkook has never been more conflicted than this. should he or should he not take taehyung's hand? biting his lip with a grin, he let their hands touch a few times. he was ready to take it, when a new voice interrupted everything.

"jungkook is that you?" everyone turned around to look at the girl standing in the hall in front of them.

"yeri!?" jungkook, hoseok and yoongi asked at once, as they eyed her with confused looks, that quickly turned to annoyed ones.

"it's been so long," the girl walked towards them with slow, confident steps and hugged jungkook. "have you missed me?"

the alpha quickly backed away. "what are you doing here?" he hissed as he took an step closer to taehyung. he could sense the omega's uncertainty and it made jungkook pissed to know taehyung was uncomfortable. he can't imagine what he was thinking right now.

"can't i say hello to an old friend, jungkookie? how have you been, i missed you so much," she chirped. taehyung scrunched his nose, wondering who she was.

"no one missed you, bitch." hoseok said and crossed his arms.

"oh, i'm sorry horse." she giggled as she curled her hair with hair fingers.

hoseok glared at her.

the omega wondered how jungkook and the girl knew each other. he wondered why he let her touch him like that. she is a beautiful alpha, has long hair, a slim figure. taehyung pouted, finding her looking better than him. he already doesn't like her and the way she was looking at jungkook made it easy for him to dislike her even more.

jimin on the other side already claimed yoongi, by hugging his waist. he dislikes that girl just like taehyung and probably the other's too.

"why are you here?" yoongi asked again with a bored voice.

"i'm going to school. we'll see each other more often now. i missed you guys. especially you." she flicked jungkook's chin, who slapped her arm away.

"don't touch me," he growled, feeling taehyung tense next to him.

she smirked at jungkook. "what has changed? you used to love it before." her eyes wandered to taehyung, eyeing him for a while. "and who are you?"

taehyung felt weak under her dominant stare, but he held his head up to keep up with her. "i'm taehyu-

"don't talk to him." jungkook growled, now stepping directly in front of taehyung like a shield.

yeri smirked. 'this must be that omega then' she thought.

"see you," were her last words, as she left.

when she was out of sight yoongi and hoseok sighed annoyed. "oh gosh, what the heck does she want?"

taehyung just blankly stared forward, feeling wrong in place and very uncomfortable for some reason. he didn't know why yeri made him feel so small. it has him wondering though, who she was and what she meant when she said jungkook used to like this stuff. do they share.. a past?

"pup, are you alright?" jungkook asked worriedly, the omega giving him a court nod and a small forced smile. "i have to go to class, see you later," he said, though jungkook knew everything was wrong when taehyung walked away from him and the others, without taking a look back or waving happily.

jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "this bitch!" he growled as he hit the locker next to him with his fist, almost making a hole in it. well great. taehyung is mad now.

"kook, calm down." hoseok said. "we have to accept she's here now."

he patted jungkook's shoulder before he also left to go to his class. jungkook sighed, but he couldn't go to class now. he wouldn't be able to concentrate, moreover he wouldn't be able to sit still, knowing his mate's bothered by what happened.

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