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All thanks to Zara! I love that girl so freaking much, because of her I can go for the field trip and guess who paid... Mom!! EM, O, EM! M O M! Momsyyy!  Ayyye! E shock me too oo! There's a house help now. She dope sha, she geh vibes no be lie but her name ehn... Ahhh, I won die! Nkemakolam. Let's just shorten it to Nkem. The meaning is "let my own not be exhausted", I think o! Ain't sure.

So let's talk about Nkem in this paragraph. She is a nice person and she speaks English very well, she's lively and fun, and plays a lot. Kayla likes her too- surprisingly. Kayla doesn't just like any stranger but I guess Nkem is special and by God's grace, let her not be a thief because Mommy will just kill her. Besides, many stories have househelps being thieves. And lastly, lemme not deviate,  Nkem is 23 years old. A graduate from Ambrose Ali University. I forgot to ask Mom the course she even studied. And again, lastly, Mom says she will give her a comfortable job if she works really well for us. I know Mom, she can get her a nice paying job.

Nkem please work hard, you hear?

Now, I pack my clothes into my travel bag. Actually it's for Kayla, I just have to borrow because it's small in size and I'm not going to pack my room to go for a field trip slash excursion.

"Random clothes?" Kayla asks, holding up the list of the things I need to pack.

"Check!" I reply.

"Outing clothes?"


"Rain boots?"

Yeah, they asked us to get rain boots. I wonder why.


"Rain coat, sweater, headwarmer, laptop, headset, uniform, shoe, sandal and slippers?!"

"All check."


"Ouuu! Double check!" I smile and zip the bag up. "I can't believe all these fitted into this your useless tiny bag."

"Useless keh? Honourably return my bag please?"

"I'm just joking na, must you take things too serious?" I slump on my bed.

She clicks the pen and the ink goes in. "Somehow.." she lets out a sigh, "..I want to be in Secondary school. Primary school is fake and boring. Everyone acts like a child and it's vewy vewy disgusting!" She slumps beside me.

"You don't act like a grown up."

"Of course I do, duh!" She sits up. "How will you know when your mind is all about Asher?"


"Can't I come with you?"

"Nope! You have Nkem now so..just enjoy your stay okay?" I wriggle my eyebrows.

"You're the worst sis ever!"

"Yeah thank, best sisturr!" I call after her as she leaves my room. Finally, time to wait for tomorrow. But the night is still young and I bet it'll take long.


I dunk my cookie into my glass of milk while lurking the internet. Mommy can waste time ehn, she might want me to miss this trip. Maybe I'm just concluding, Mom will never let her 5k go like that.

Zara calls me on phone.

"Yes? Hello?"

"I'm coming to your house. Mom just got an important conference to attend so I have to join you."

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