Chapter 4

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The woman who was holding my stuff gave me a look. This wasn't the first time that I had seen her at the desk. She slid my clothes and the rest of the stuff that I had on me when I got arrested over to me. My clothes hopefully still fit, considering that Juvie food was shitty so I went without eating sometimes. I collected my wallet. I had, if I remember correctly, ninety dollars in it. I will neither confirm nor deny that I earned it dishonestly. It also had a few gift cards that I had swiped off someone in it.

"We gonna see you back here anytime soon?" The lady asked me.

"I sure hope so. "

"Well, I don't."

I nodded. This lady obviously loved me.

"Good to know that we're besties," I said sarcastically.

Eliza motioned over to the bathroom that was there. I nodded and closed and locked the one-stall bathroom behind me.

I unfolded my clothes. A plain white v-neck t-shirt and some black ripped-up jeans were what I got. I smiled as my black beanie was in with the bunch. I let the hair that was in the ponytail down and untangled all of the knots that were in my hair. It was in desperate need of a trim. It was naturally wavy but months without good shampoo had made it pretty unruly. And that was why I needed the beanie.

I put on the clothes and looked in the mirror. My tan skin so different from the white shirt.

I walked out of the bathroom and Eliza smiled.

"Ready to go?"

I shrugged, "Don't think I have a choice, Ms. Sunshine."

I started to walk out of the building. The sun was shining down on the almost deserted parking lot and I let the sun warm my skin. It had been a while since I had been out of the confinement of juvie. I kind of liked it.

Eliza came up behind me, "My car's the Honda Odyssey."

I burst out laughing. Of course, the mom car.

"Something funny?" She cocked her head.

I wiped a tear from my eye as I tried to compose myself.

"Nothing, just nothing Ms. Sunshine."

Her jaw clenched, "I would appreciate it if you would not call me that."

Was that aggression I detected from her? Wow. She does have another emotion other than intoxicating happiness. I'm slightly impressed. Not that I would show it.

"Okay, then what should I call you?"


I rolled my eyes, "If I call you Eliza could you get me back to juvie?"

She shook her head.

"Then Ms. Sunshine it is."

We walked over to the Honda and she unlocked the sliding door. I shook my head.

"Nope. I ride shotgun."

Eliza rolled her eyes, "Fine."

She also had the capacity to act annoyed. So, she's not a flat character after all.

I got in the car and Eliza started it up. We pulled away from the parking spot and started to drive in very comfortable silence. I noticed that she would never go above the speed limit.

She sucked a breath in. "So, you and Rex are-"

I smiled mockingly, "Oh, talking about my personal life, I love this game! Okay so Rex and I go way back and we've been dating for like ever and we're gonna get married after he gets out of juvie." I said in a higher-pitched voice.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now