Chapter 5

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I woke up when my body was used to getting up. About seven. I realized that I was still wearing the same clothes that I left Juvie in. I looked to where a closet was. Which was directly in front of me.

I got out of the comfy bed and made my way over it.

Please, God, don't be pink. No pink. I know I don't really ask a lot of you, or don't really believe in you, but like, if you are real, please, no pink, I'm begging you.

I opened the closet and there was a lot of pink. But the whole closet wasn't. A black t-shirt and some ripped jeans were on a shelf. Thank you, cosmic being looking out for me. I grabbed both and put them on. I still had my combat boots on and I didn't want to swap out shoes. Besides, I loved those shoes.

I looked at my hair through the mirror on the vanity. It was a tangled mess. I grabbed the new pink hairbrush and brushed my hair. I would wash it when I got home from not going to school.

Yeah, there was no way in hell that I was going to school for a whole day.

There was a bathroom in the room so I went in and did the normal stuff. I noticed that there was a bag of some sort laying down on the vanity. I opened it and there were brushes and makeup. Now, I'm not one to cake on makeup but when it's there and I haven't used it in a long time, I was gonna use some.

I put on the foundation that was there and applied some mascara, dark eyeshadow, and winged eyeliner. I added some darker lipstick to the mix and there we go. I hadn't lost my touch.

I walked out and went down the stairs. I saw a black backpack on the counter and I quickly raced by it, swiped it, and ran out of the house. My wallet was in my back pocket as I walked out of the development. There was a convenience store right outside of it. I made my way there first.

The guy at the counter smiled,

"Welcome to Wal-"

I rolled my eyes as his voice was drowned out by my footsteps. I went to the back where the paint was. 

Tagger tip: always know where the paint is.

I didn't need a lot. Just some black, blue, and green paint. I put them in my bag I looked to see the security camera that was positioned just inches away from me. I smirked. Getting back into Juvie might actually be easier than I thought.

I flipped the security camera off and walked towards the food. Grabbing a bottle of water and a protein bar.

I walked to the checkout and put them on the belt. 

Stealing tip: always buy something small. It's easier to get away before someone realizes that they're missing paint. 

The guy probably just thought I was a kid getting some breakfast before school. Half true. The other half consisted of buying spray paint and vandalizing the school's walls before school started.

Simple. I would be expelled before the bell.

The guy smiled again. God, why is everyone in the real world so smiley?

"Is that all?"

I nodded. He rang me up and I handed him a five for a purchase that was six dollars.

"Um, you're missing a dollar."

"Oh, damn it."

I pretended to rummage in my wallet for more money, while also hiding the thing from him so he couldn't see the wadded-up cash.

"Just give me a second," I said as another person showed up.

The guy shook his head, "I'll let it slide just this once."

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now