Chapter 43

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"Turn to the front."

I did.

A light flashes in my eyes, making me wince a little.

"Turn to the left."

I did, not even uttering a response.

I almost hadn't spoken since I had been pulled over.

The only time was when I had to tell them, not only did I not have my ID on me, but I didn't have a license in the first place.

Since then...


I was afraid if I actually said anything, of if I did something different, the person taking my picture would know I was lying. The cop that had taken me in and taken the restrictive handcuffs off my wrists, he would know.

He could see it on my face, he could tell, I wasn't the guy he had been chasing at the start.

Because I wasn't a guy.

And the person they were looking for, reportedly, was.

I'd convinced them that the person who described me must have not known, I had my hood up after all.

I wasn't wearing any makeup when I went to save Jonah, so that helped a lot.

Without my eyeshadow and eyeliner, he and I looked like someone had copy and pasted our faces onto our bodies.

Once they were finished taking my pictures, the officer who had escorted me there, grabbed my arm, yanking me away, putting the handcuffs back on me roughly.

I flinced at how tight he had made them, my wrists were already raw from the last time.

His grip on my arm tightened as he moved me towards lockup. 

"You don't have to drag me, man, I know where we're going."

He huffed, not even bothering to let me walk on my own.

What was I gonna do? Run away?

I was surrounded by cops, like shit I was going to try that.

I knew that would just get me more jail time.

The cop opened the large iron door with his ID card, and it gave a loud beep that echoed through the hallway we entered.

We walked by jail cell after jail cell, some people were still sleeping, but others were wide awake and had rushed to the front of their confinements to get a glance at the fresh meat.

This was the actual jail. 

There was no turning back. 

This wasn't juvie. 

This was the, I'd probably end up dead or raped, place. 

This was a place that was in my nightmares.

Though the catcalling was louder here.

"Hey beautiful, flash me a smile?"

"Nice ass, mija."

"Hey, baby girl, you lost?"

"Come over here, babydoll."

I ignored it.

But I was shaking. 

I was fucking shaking.

The chains between my cuffs were rattling with how much I was moving.

So much for first impressions.

There were whistles, and I wanted to throw up at some of the men's eyes, and how it was so easy to tell what they were thinking.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now