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I handed Ms. Evans a large stack of paper that had been clamped together. 

"Here it is. The first person project."

She smirked, "Took you long enough."

"Yeah, well, I had to work up the motivation to actually do it. Took me a few months," I said laughing.

"I'm excited to read it."

"And I'm excited to not have to work on it anymore."

It had taken five alnighters, a shit ton of coffee, and Rex locking me in his apartment with him until I got a chapter done to make me finish it.

I looked at her, "Well, I gotta go, meeting with my shrink."

If you could consider Ms. Sunshine a shrink.

She smiled at me, "Of course."

But before I left, her voice called after me, "I like the title, Carmen."

"You do?" I asked.

She nodded, "Yeah, I was in Juvie. Get Over It. Has a nice ring to it."

I smirked.

Roll credits.


You didn't think that was the end, did you?

Yeah, no, it really wasn't.

Which brings us here.

I was sitting front row, fidgeting with the gown, it smelled like cigarettes, and not the good kind.

Like the really cheap ones.

My cap was gonna fall off.

I knew it.

It was inching farther and farther down on my head.

I knew I should have bobby pinned it, but my stubborn ass wouldn't let me. 

It'd be fine I'd said, guys don't bobbypin theirs, why should I?

Yeah, well I'm pretty sure there was some good reason for that.

Jonah was next to me, and he looked as nervous as I felt. 

This was it.

We were waiting for the A's to finish getting their diplomas.

Yeah, we were graduating.

This felt like a dream.

I pinced myself, and let out a hiss, nope, not a dream.

If you told me a year and a half ago that I'd be graduating from high school, I'd have laughed in your face and would have been sure you were high. 

Now, I don't know.

Still wasn't convinced this wasn't a dream. 




Damn it.

I turned behind me to see Jay a few rows away, he looked fine. 

He looked calm.

He caught my eyes, and smiled, and gave a thumbs up.

A fucking thumbs up.

I was gonna be accepting a fucking peice of paper telling me I acheieved something academic, and he gives me a fucking thumbs up?

A noble prize might have been more like it.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now