Chapter 33

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Knock knock, knock.

The door swung open and Eliza greeted me with a smile.

"Hey Carmen, come on in."

I looked at her, "Hi." 

I walked in, taking my place on the couch, it had been a long day. Specifically because my English teacher had told me I better come up with an outline for my 1st person POV or I was gonna get a huge F.

So, I had like three days to come up with some shit that could get me a possible D on an assignment that I didn't give a fuck about.

"So, how was school?"


Eliza blinked, "Maybe if you put effort forward, you might enjoy it."

I scoffed, "Highly doubt that."

"Well, what's your favorite subject?"


Eliza looked like she was having a stroke or something, "Now why the heck do you like math?"

I smirked, "Because, I like seeing peoples faces when I solve an equation with stunning accuracy. Like, 'Oh my fucking god, the kid from juvie can actually think'. Makes me smile."

"And you're good at math?"

I nodded, "Something that's universal, it doesn't change from teacher to teacher, the teacher doesn't have to like you, you don't have to like the teacher. They teach, you learn. Pretty self explainatory."

"And other classes?"

I shrugged, "Usually, they just lecture and you have to give opinions and shit. Math's the only class where no one can argue against it, there's always one correct answer."

"And you like one correct answer?" Eliza asked.

"Uh, yeah, that way you don't worry about personal opinions. There's a straight path forward, there's no this or that, it's just this, but not tha- Wait, your phycoanalyzing again aren't you with all the clear path forward shit."

Eliza huffed, "Damn, you caught me."

"Well, what does that tell you?"


"What does my answer tell you?"

She gave me a look, "Carmen, I'm not an actual shrink."

I nodded, "Yeah, but you had to get something from that, right?"

"Yeah, I did."

"So tell me."

"Fine. There's a lot of instability in your life, so much so that some point you just want a clear path forward. And any chance you get, you go for the things that have a clear answer or decision, because the instability and the choices you've had to make in the past have effected how you want your life to go in the future. You want a straight path because the path behind you has been a rollercoaster ride."

I raised an eyebrow, "Well, you're right about the fucking rollercoaster ride."

"So, moving on. What are you planning to do for tomorrow?"

Tomorrow was a Saturday.

"Uh, probably just hang out, maybe go to the city, I don't know. Why? Am I supposed to be doing something tomorrow?"

Eliza looked at me like I had just said that I had never heard of the Beatles, or Elvis, or Queen or Michael Jackson, or some other music legend.

"Uh, yeah, Carmen."

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now