Chapter 39

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- I describe when I got pulled into meet Eliza

- Talk about my last day in Juvie (Figure out if Juvie is capitalized or not) Introduce reader to Rex and the relationship we have, wait, sorry, the relationship we had before all of this shit started. (Am I allowed to swear in the essay?)

- Get out of juvie scene

"Fuck. So like you actually smoked it?"

And lost train of thought once again.

"Bro, it was sixth grade, we smoked anything and everything."

"That must have been disgusting."

"The aftertaste was shit, and I was tasting chalk all day."

I rolled my eyes, letting out an almost silent snort. I was all to familiar with the story. When Jonah was in sixth grade, he put some chalk on a piece of paper, rolled it up, lit it, and smoked it. He also snorted it, but everyone did. 

Fuck, even I got away with snorting sweet tarts. And there's this really cool trick of how to smoke them to...

But that would be irresponsible to talk about now...

And I'm trying to be a better person

Now, with Jonah talking to Jay way to loudly, and us sharing the same room, I couldn't get a thought out. 

I could've gone down stairs  but that would suggest to Sammy that I had nothing else to do.

So I was out of options. 

I exhaled, "Guys, could you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to get this essay outline finished."

Both of them shut up, but only for a second before Jonah burst out laughing.

"Did you fix your moral compass or some shit?"

I scoffed a little, "Something like that. Had to get a new one, my old one's been thrown in the trash and against a wall so many times it's too far gone to fix. And for the record, my teacher's gonna have my head if I don't do it."

"Seaking of people getting pissed off, how was your session with Eliza today?"

I shrugged, "Excellent segway, bro. And the 'session' was almost non-existant. We talked a little about school, and life and shit, you know the usual. And then we called it quits."

Yeah, that was the short version.

Long version was that we talked about how it felt good to have Jonah around. It made me feel like I had one more person here that udnerstood.

We also talked about Rex being back. I was actually warming up to the fact that I could talk to Eliza about this shit. 

I mean, like, I'd never had someone to talk to about the whole, when I woke up in Rex's arms I'd never felt more safe, it was like I was supposed to be there.

Usually I'd just tell Rex this shit, but um, he's the one I was talking about, so it doesn't really add up.

"Huh, sounds boring," Jonah said.

"You're telling me," I huffed, trying to seem genuine.

Then they went back to talking...Louder this time, and I couldn't think.

I let out a breath, closed my laptop, yeah, because I had a fucking laptop...Loaned by the school, but still, and the notebook next to me and shoved the both in my backpack. 

"What are you doing?" Jay said, suddenly stopping talking to Jonah.

"Going somewhere I can work on this in peace."

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now