Chapter 25

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I made my way out of school as fast as I could, backpack slung across my shoulder.

Allison's car was parked already, and she was waiting outside her car.

I walked right past her, ignoring how she yelled at me to get my ass back over there.

I was about done with her.

"Carmen, don't walk away from me."

Too late.

"Carmen, I mean it."


"I will call the cops."

I held my hand up and flipped her off.

Sure, call the cops, I didn't care right now.

I kept walking until I got onto the sidewalk next to the main road out of town.

Welp, now for that great hitchhiker's thumb you got.

I stuck my thumb out as I started making my way towards the city, all the while trying to think of what the fuck I would say to Rex when I saw him. What the hell do you say to someone who would be facing a life sentence at the least.

I knew that his lawyer would be shit, they wouldn't fight for him, they'd hand his sentence to the judge on a silver plate. They wouldn't care about who he was gonna be leaving behind, what kind of life he was gonna be looking forward to.

He was gonna be free.

He was gonna be a firefighter, or in the military, not a cop though, cops weren't exactly his thing. Though, firefighter, he had said that ever since he was little, he wanted to be the one rescuing cats from trees, and saving a family from their burning home.

I had always laughed at him for the stupid dream, who the hell would ever take in a person who'd been in juvie too many times to count.

Though, he had said that the fire department was a little more lenient with who they employed, especially because they were short-staffed.

And then he had always gone on to tease me about what I wanted to do, freelance artist, graffiti, selling artwork online, maybe eventually put something in a gallery.

Maybe even become a cop one day.

What? I wanted to keep people out of trouble, stop people from making the mistakes that I did, and even arrest people who were trying to drag others into what they were doing.

I wanted to be on the right side of the law for once, well, in a few years. I still had some time to try to unfuck my life, even a little.

At least, not get caught doing what I did.

A car honked at me, and my eyes shifted up to the person who was waving.

It was a woman with a kid in the back sitting in a car seat, reading a board book. She was smiling, motioning for me to get in the front. I did.

"Where you need to go, hon?"

"As far as you can get to the state penitentiary."

She opened her mouth as if she was going to ask why, but must have decided against it. Instead, carrying on.

"We're just going only a few more miles for some shopping, I don't think I can take you all the way."

I smiled, "Just get me as far as you can get, I'll hitch another ride the rest of the way. Thanks, by the way."

"No problem, hon."

And then we drove off. I looked behind me, and the little boy in the back seat was looking at me now with a curious expression on his face. I smirked, and he seemed to be afraid of me, whimpering a little before returning to his board book.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now