Chapter 30

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OHH, We're probably more than half way there, WOAH living on a prayer!

Back to the show...


The birds were chirping, and so was my alarm clock. I groaned.

I fucking hated mornings.

I curled up a little more before admitting that, yes, it is time to wake up, yes, it is a school day, and no, there is no way to get out of it.

Gripping the blanket, as if to rip the bandaid off, I threw the covers off me, before opening my eyes.

I expected to either have Carmen be long gone, or sitting on her bed, doodling, but what I found was weird, even for her.

She was curled up in her bed, hair falling into her face, with a Green Day t-shirt on.

Carmen looked so peaceful just lying there, like she hadn't just lost her best friend, like she hadn't just seen his grave, like she hadn't even heard the word juvie in her life.

I think that she would have loved for all those things to be true.

"Carmen?" I said quietly.

She didn't move.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.

But she needs to wake up.

Dude, you didn't get out of bed for a week after Gavin died.

Yeah, but Mom's gonna have her head if she doesn't.

You're gonna have to convince her that Carmen is not moving any time soon.

If she doesn't wake up after this, then, I'll go to mom.

I grabbed her shoulder and shook it lightly, "Carmen, hey, time to get up."

Still nothing.

Yup, so go and start negotiating now.

I sighed, I really didn't want to have a conversation with my mom about this.

Contrary to popular belief, she scared the shit out of me sometimes.

I walked down the stairs and into the dining room, where mom was sitting on her phone eating some cereal, and Sammy was nibbling on a slice of toast.

"Hey, Jay. Where's Carmen? She's usually up and out of the house by now."

"Uh, Carmen isn't really feeling well..."

"Does she have a cold?" Sammy asked innocently.

I looked at her, "Uh, sure, Sammy."

I then turned to mom, "Actually, uh, I need to talk to you about something."

Mom must have sensed something was up because she nodded, getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

Thank god the walls were almost completely soundproof.

"What's up kiddo?"

"Uh, it's about, Carmen."

Mom's expression instantly changed to that of disgust.

"What the hell did she do?"

"She didn't do anything. Look, uh, her best friend just died..."


Shit. I was really hoping I dind't have to say that part.

"Uh, wrongly accused of murder, got the death penalty out of state."

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now