Chapter 13

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I was freaking out. This girl was gonna kill me.

She wasn't wearing a seatbelt, I was, she was swerving like she was in a car chase, which I was pretty sure she had been in a few times. Probably why she looked so calm while driving over eighty miles an hour on a back road. 

She looked like she was happy. The window was down, and her hair was flying behind her, and she had a small smile on her face like this was freeing for her. 

Well while she was feeling the wind in her hair, I was feeling unrest in my stomach.

"Could you slow down, what if a cop sees us, you don't have a license, and you're speeding, and violating traffic laws, and not stopping at stop signs, and-"

"Dude, chill."

"Says the girl who's been in juvie her whole life, I can't go in there."

She nodded as she took a brutal turn, "Yeah, you wouldn't last a day."

"Gee thanks, I was hoping for a little bit more optimism."

"Nope, I'd say two hours tops."

"God, I can't go to jail."


"Whatever!" I almost screamed out. 

She laughed, she was actually laughing at my total panic, she was enjoying my freak out. 

"If it makes you feel any better, I can say that you're here against your will, that I forced you into the car."

"Like they'll believe that."

She pursed her lips, "I don't know, I think you're already doing a pretty good job of selling it. Act a little more concerned for your life, and a teenie bit less of oh my god I can't believe I agreed to this."

"I didn't."

She smiled, "That's the spirit." She turned to look at me and patted my shoulder mockingly, we swerved and I think I yelped or something.

"Watch the fucking road, or I will throw you out of my car. You're lucky I'm letting your dirt-ridden criminal hands touch the steering wheel," I yelled.

"Woah." She breathed out and then my eyes widened, holy shit, I just called her a criminal.

"Shit, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to say that, I uh-"

"Shut up, don't ruin the moment."

"What moment? I just insulted you."

"Exactly, you just insulted me. I mean, I think I deserved it after all of the insults I've said about you."

I looked at her for a second, "Uh, Carmen, you haven't insulted me that much."

She shifted her eyes towards me and then focused back on the road. Right, so now she decided to watch the road.

"Uh, yeah, no, that's what I meant."

"Actually, you haven't insulted me at all."

"Uh, yeah, sure, yeah, no, I was just trying to make you feel better about calling me a dirt-ridden criminal."

Highly doubted that. But seriously, it kind of made me curious about what she thought about me.

Was it just sizing me up to see if I was a threat or something, or did she think that I actually was attractive and nice?

Ha, like that would ever happen.

"Where are we going?"

"The cemetery." She said matter of factly.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now