Chapter 24

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I woke up, and I felt like a zombie. I swung my legs around, letting them hit the carpet, and huffed, pushing the mop of hair on my head to the side.

I grabbed a black shirt, some demolished bleach ruined jeans, and a flannel that I would tie around my waist, from my duffel.

I just went through the motions, moving mechanically as I got dressed, put makeup on, and brushed my teeth. I put on my old boots, not wanting to wear anything that connected me to the night before.

There was a weird paranoia that I had that the cops would come for me next, accusing me of something I didn't do.

I walked back into the bedroom, grabbing my backpack, just as Jay was gonna go change.

"Hey," he breathed out.

I grunted my response, wanting to be out of there. 

"You okay?" He asked as if something was clearly wrong with me.

Nothing was wrong with me, I was fine. I was fucking amazing.

If I'm not convincing I don't know who is.

"I'm fine, Jay," I said a little colder than I wanted to be, before walking down the stairs, I didn't need breakfast, besides it was twenty minutes from the time that we usually left for school.

I needed to walk.

Walking helped me clear my head, it helped me think. And maybe that's what I didn't need to do, was to think, but I was gonna force myself to.

I closed the door behind me and started the fifteen-minute walk to school. 

There had to be a way to get him out of this. 

There had to be.

Rex and I had always been there for each other, how the hell were we supposed to be there for each other when he was serving a life sentence, or dead. 


Nope, he can't be given the death penalty, right?


Before I knew it, I was standing in front of school. There were only a few cars in the parking lot, and the kids that were around were making their way inside.

Why were people early to school? 

Didn't make sense.

I pulled out my phone and started to text Daya, wondering if she was there yet. It felt weird walking in alone, seeing as Jay had never let me out of his sight the last few days in between classes.

Me: Hey, you at school yet?

Daya: Yup, yearbook meets before school.

Me: Meet me out front, then.

Daya: Got it.

I stood there for a second and watched as more people walked into the building, giving me weird looks as they went. Wonder what I did this time. Then I pulled up my phone's camera and switched it to selfy mode. At first, it didn't seem like anything was off, until I looked closer at my eyes, sleep-deprived and sunken in.

I kinda looked like hell.

Not my fault that I couldn't sleep almost at all that night.  


I shifted my eyes to the side, where Daya was standing. She looked at me with a little concern in her eyes. 

"Hey, Daya."

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now