Chapter 31

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I was trying to navigate my way through the crowd of students as I walked from math, on one side of the school, to social studies, which was on the other. Because exercise was good for you. But being surrounded by a bunch of people didn't help the headache that was starting to come back.

I had woken up at the same time, 7 o'clock, as I always did, with one of the smallest, yet painful headaches ever. Halfway through the night my hangover hit. I had been up for a while with the throbbing headache before finally being able to get to sleep.

And now, the headache was more of a pain in my ass than a pain in my head.

Which, can't believe I was saying it, but that was the first time I was actually happy that something was more a pain in my ass.


I shifted my eyes to Jay, "Hey."

"How're you feeling?"

"Still got a headache, but I'm doing better."

He smiled, "Glad to hear it."

Everything from the day before at the bridge was a blur, though, I could recall telling Jay a shit ton of stuff that I probably would never have said otherwise.

When I had asked him how bad I was, he said not that bad. And when I had aasked what I said, he said not anything worth mentioning.

Though, I was sure as shit that I had said some things that were definitely worth mentioning.

Including something about my parents.

It almost made me want to hug him for not bringing it up.

Not like actually hug him. Just like, the feeling of wanting to hug someone was what I felt.

Seeing the guy try and fail to climb a fence made it way easier to have self control.

We turned into Mr. Rivera's class, and  the loud talking that had been going on, well, stopped.

I raised an eyebrow. 

Okay, I thought we moved passed this?

Yes, I was in juvie.

Yes, I'm a really bad person.

But we've already established this, it ain't news.

Jay looked at me, "What did you do?" He whispered.

I blinked, looking back at him as we started walking deeper into the lions den, "For once, nothing."

He opened up his phone, and inhaled sharply, shifting his eyes over towards Daya.

"That little bitch."


"Nothing, you don't need to-"

I swiped the phone from his hands and looked at the email that had been sent out from a website called Talk of the Town. 

An article was posted in the email.

The Real Story of Carmen Bianco. A tell-all about the mysterious new girl.
As always, giving you the information that no one else can.

Holy shit.

By: Daya Torez

Holy fucking shit.

Everyone thinks they know Carmen Bianco, the new student at our high school, the girl who just got out of juvie, and the girl who's got a lot to hide.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now