Chapter 34

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My bed was shaking, someone was shaking me. Scratch that, someone was bouncing on me.

And it hurt.

I snapped my eyes open

Sammy was using my stomach and chest as a human trampoline, and I was gonna kill her. She was about to bounce again, and I held up an arm, before extending a finger.

"If you bounce on me one more time, I'm gonna crack your ribs before you get the chance to crack mine."

Sammy obviously didn't think I was being serious, which I fucking was, because she let out a giggle that sounded like a fairy's laugh. Like fucking Tinkerbell.

"But you need to wake up."

I checked the alarm clock, 5:30.

This kid needed to get damned to hell. 

I groaned, "Last time I checked, it ain't Christmas, go back to sleep kid."

Sammy let out a huff, still sitting on me, and looked over at Jay. For some reason, he was up already, and from the look on his face, amusement glimmering in his eye, and a smirk that said, Now this is entertainment, was enjoying this way to much.

"Jay, help me, tell her she needs to get up."

"Carmen, you need to get up," he repeated, voice light, and it was easy to tell, based on the way his shoulders were bobbing, that he was laughing.

"Nope," I said, flipping him off so only he could see it, before shrinking back under my blanket, trying to block out Sammy's scrunched up nose and crossed arms. 

I felt the covers slowly starting to move off me, and the warmth they offered was starting to dissipate, so I held them tighter. I imagined Sammy was struggling to pull them off me. And then I looked up, just in time to see her belly flop on top of me, causing me to let out a pained grunt. She wrapped her tiny arms around me and tightened her grip. 

She was fucking hugging me, wasn't she?

"Sammy, stop hugging me."

"No. Wake up."

I groaned as she tightened her grip even more.

"If I get up, will you let go of me?"


"Okay, fine, I'll get up."

"Yay!" She said before practically bouncing out of bed. 

My conclusion, the kid was Tigger.

I swung my hair legs off the bed and got up. That was when I realized I was still in Rex's Green Day t-shirt and a really, well, uh, not for kids bra and underwear, and my hair was probably a rats nest. I ran my hand through it, a few knots, not horrible.

Sammy grabbed my hand, starting to pull me towards the door.

"Uh, kid, I gotta change."

"No time, mommy made pancakes."

"Uh, no. Sammy, I need to change."

"You need to eat pancakes, who cares if it's in your pajamas?"

Uh, probably her mom, who wouldn't consider a t-shirt hanging off one shoulder and barely reached mid-thigh, and a lace bra that you could clearly see, pajamas.

I turned to Jay for back up, but he just kept looking at me.

Ohhh, right, he hadn't seen me in what I wore to sleep because I was either in bed later than he was, or woke up way earlier than he did.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now