Chapter 37

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I know, I know, it's been a while, I'm sorrrryy. But I think you guys will like this chapter.

On with the show.


My eyes snapped open.

The room was white, Jay's was navy.

And I was on a pink rug, with a purple fuzzy blanket covering me.

What the-

Oh, I was in Sammy's room because for the past day or so, Jonah had been staying in Jay's room.

At the start, Allison didn't exactly love the idea of us both under the same roof, as if we couldn't reach our full criminal potential unless we were together.

But Sammy had really wanted to have me sleep in her room. Like a sleep over, she had said.

And it kinda was. We stayed up late, mostly because she wanted me to play with her My Little Pony figurines with her.

And after that, she wanted me to help put her stuffed animals to sleep.

And get her Barbie dolls dressed in pajamas.

She said that she had gotten Jonah to change the Ken doll earlier, because he was a guy.

And then, I had to tell her a bedtime story.

And then another one.

And eventually I got to the point where I told her if she didn't lie down and go to sleep, I was gonna never tell her another bedtime story.

Supposedly that was a big deal. She really liked my stories of princesses saving the knights, and Snow White, except the dwarves found a way to break the curse using one of her life restoring cures she had come up with, because Snow White was kicked out of the castle for being smarter than the queen.

Now after 2 nights of that, I was exhausted.

Remind me to never have a kid, ever.

I slowly got up, trying not to wake Sammy up as I went back to Jay's room.

My duffle was still under my bed, and once I was in the room, I could see part of it poking out.

I had almost gotten the duffle out, but Jonah rolled over, eyes opening.

I startled back, and so did he. We both shocked that the other was there.

"Damn it's like we're on the same mental alarm clock."

His hair was messed up, sticking out every which way. It made me want to laugh. Jonah hated mornings, but alway woke up early. He was sure that it was a curse.

"Maybe Sammy was right, maybe we have a telepathic connection."

His shoulders bobbed up and down, he was laughing, btut silently, because Jay was still sleeping, "Yeah, sure."

I hit him on the head, lightly, "Well, get up and get dressed."


"Because, you dipshit, we have to go to the fucked up hellhole known as school."

He steadily raised an eyebrow, "Uh, you mean you do."

"Nope. If I have to go through hell, so do you."

"Isn't there like some policy about people not inrolled in a school, you know, showing up?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, bu aren't rules meant to be broken?" I asked, I knew there was a glint in my eye, the one I got with the thought of breaking rules.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now