Chapter 18

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I was once again walking down the halls after first period, looking for Jay because I didn't know where English class was.

They switched up the schedules every other day, which sounded like a load of bullshit to me until I got my schedule.

And damn I wish I had skipped first period, I would take math any day over PE.

Yes, I'm good at it because it's smooth sailing compared to the PE that we did in Juvie before some kid with asthma had a whole thing. Then we just stopped doing mandatory PE. But like, some of us still ran the length of the building and lifted weights.

But still, I hated this PE. They expected me to wear shorts and a tank top for it, which I didn't really have a choice in.

I had to run in a jumpsuit, compared to that it was like I was wearing nothing.

Also, the shorts were one size too small and barely covered the bottom of my ass. That was a lovely little show.

Almost everyone in there were guys who wanted to have a morning run before the start of the day. And supposedly that one mistake of a tattoo of a few roses that I had scrawled on my thigh interested them more than running.

Might I mention again, that the shorts barely covered my ass.

In summary, catcalling ensued, I flipped a few of them off, threatened to kick others to the curb, and that shut them up.

Though it sucked to know that they were still looking at my ass.

I was exhausted. It was an hour of reps and running, nonstop. Hated to break it to the coach, but we weren't in the military, we were just a bunch of high schoolers who wanted to get the hell out of there.


Well, if I wasn't exhausted before, I was definitely gonna get tired out now.

"Hey, Daya."

"What do you have next?"


She gasped, "Oh my god, same."


"Wow, that's awesome."

"I know right?"

That was supposed to be sarcastic, but uh, okay then.

"So, you skipped afternoon classes yesterday, right?"

I nodded, "Yup."

"That's so cool. Turn right," We took a right turn into another hallway.

"I wouldn't call it cool."

"You kidding? Jay was freaking out, going on about how a person can't just leave school like that. Anyone who can make Jay lose it is cool in my book."

I laughed a little imagining Jay freaking out about how I wasn't in school.

"Well, I did."

"Why did you even do it?"

"Visiting a friend."

"In the middle of the day?"

"That's when visiting hours are."

It was quiet for a second as Daya put two and two together before coming to the understanding that my friend was still locked up.



"You know you could get excused for that."

"Right. I can totally just leave the building to see a guy in juvie. Because that would happen."

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now