Chapter 9

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I blinked, my eyes still trained on Allison, probably giving off the impression that I was confused, which I was, but I mean, I could go with it.

"Wait, are you serious?" I asked, just wanting to be sure I heard her right.

Allison let out a breath, "Well, we can't just turn someone away. But we're gonna have to make some adjustments, to you know, deal with the new development. We'll have to set up some boundaries, guidelines, uh-"

"Rules?" I said timidly, praying that it wasn't the word she was looking for. 

"Yes, rules."

I felt like my entire spine had just been rattled after hearing that.

In case it wasn't entirely clear, I had a problem with authority, especially rules.

I plastered on a kind smile, like the one that I gave that old lady before I stole her purse. 

Relax, she owned a beamer, she was fine without that debit card for a few hours.

"Of course." 

Eliza nodded at Allison, before looking at me with a cheery smile once again on her face, "We'll keep in touch."

Yup, because we'll stay up all night talking about boys and school, and gossip, and all that other shit that besties talk about. 

Like shit, we would.

"Yeah, Ms. Sunshine, you know where I live, so I guess we'll be running into each other a lot."

"We will." 

I mentally flipped her off as she turned to get to the door, but just before she was about to open it, she turned back to Allison.

"Oh, and Allison, I'm glad you decided to welcome Carmen into your home." 

That was a fake-ass voice.

"Of course, I mean, what else would I do?" 

Wow, that was even more fake-ass than Eliza's. 

Eliza gave me one more sincere smile before closing the door, and she was gone. I heard someone let out a breath, Allison. 

When I looked back at her, she looked a little scared. 

"Chill, I've only been arrested for murder once."

Her face twisted and she legit looked like she had seen a ghost or something, so I put my hands up in surrender, "Hey, I'm just kidding, okay, I'm just messing with you, but like, you should have seen your face. Priceless." I said, letting out a little chuckle.

Allison cleared her throat,  "So, the rules."

There's that word again. 

"No stealing, no swearing, no bodily harm on any child, no talking about jail-"

"Not jail, juvie." I corrected.

Allison glared, "No talking about juvie and crimes you've committed in front of Sammy. Can you do that?"

I shrugged, "Sure. But if she starts to ask me questions, I'm answering them."

"She won't ask, trust me, she's too trusting to think that someone's been in jail-"


"Even if they obviously have." She looked me up and down.

Did she just say I looked like I came from jail? Wow, I'm offended. I don't look that bad, right?

I thought she was done, but she kept talking, "And the rooms are gonna be different."

Oh great, the couch treatment.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now