Chapter 35

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"So who the fuck was that little squirt that almost tackled me?"

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"So who the fuck was that little squirt that almost tackled me?"

I smiled, "That was Sammy, she likes people."

"Uh, yeah I could tell, she obviously didn't learn stranger danger."

"Oh, trust me, I'm teaching her as soon as I get back."

We were sitting outside Juniors, and I was eating a slice of chocolate cake, while Rex, was eating red velvet.

Which to me was just chocolate cake dyed red, but who's asking me?

I looked at Rex from across the table and smiled, "I still can't believe you're here."

"Yeah, you and me both."

"So, this job at the fire station, what's it like?"

"Well only been there a couple of days, but all the people there are nice. The morning workouts are brutal though."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I thought I was gonna breeze through it, but once you get to the pull-ups, it's like everything goes to shit."

I laughed, "You telling me that Rex Carson is out of shape?"

He winked at me, "Never. What about you with PE?"

"Well, I run circles around the other guys, but, you know how it is, gotta tone it down sometimes, pretend I'm exhausted."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure you're a great actor." 

I took another bite out of my cake, "Yup, totally." 

I pulled out my phone and quickly took a picture of Rex, "Smile, dumbass."

He did, mouth full of red cake, which made me laugh, "Beautiful," I said sarcastically. 

Then I attached it to a text going to Jonah. 

Me: So.... Guess who came back from the dead for my birthday?

Jonah: HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Jonah: And I think you mean our birthday.

Me: Yeah, right....

Jonah: Carmen......

Me: Chill man, I'm just joking, happy birthday dipshit.

Jonah: Aw, thanks asshole.

Me: Love ya, dumbass.

Jonah: Love ya too, dickhead.

Jonah: Tell Rex I said hi, and that glad he's back from the dead.

I smiled, looking up, "Jonah said hi, and that he's glad you're back from the dead."

"Tell him I'm glad to be back too, and that the little shit better stay out of trouble."

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now