Chapter 28

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Tap tap tap.

Tap tap tap.

Tap tap-

"Could you please stop doing that?" I snapped at Jay

He glared, "No, I do that when I'm nervous, and I'm nervous."

"What's the matter, never been asked to talk out in the hall before?"

"No, Carmen, I have not. You know, what the fuck was wrong with you in there anyway, you totally just tore apart my opinion?"

"Yeah, because it was a hypocritical opinion that you just couldn't' bring yourself to admit that maybe I was right. That maybe, if we were to believe in your murderer must be punished in the way he harmed the victim, then that would be admitting to yourself that maybe Gavin did the right thing."

"No. It's different."

"Jay, it's not different. It's still a life for a life. It's what a vigilante would do, not law enforcement."

"Yeah, but for a vigilante it's murder."

"So for law enforcement it's not?"

"They're the law, Carmen. I know it's hard to believe, but normal people follow their orders, not blatantly defy them."

"So what, I'm not normal?" I said, about to strangle him. My fists were clenched, and I was about ready to hit him.

"Yeah, Carmen, you're not normal, you've been in juvie over ten times, it's pretty easy to tell that it's not exactly a normal thing."

"Well, it's better than being a self righteous bitch who thinks that he's better than everyone else just because he hasn't done anything wrong in his life."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, Jay, you're a saint, we get it."

"At least I'm not a criminal."

The door opened and shut behind us and we both turned our attention to Mr. Rivera, who was clapping. Very. Slowly.

"You know you two, I'm impressed with the way you can debate almost as if you're congress, with witty remarks from Carmen and uneducated and slightly elitest comments from Jay. Oh, you also managed to simultaneously say that she's not a civilian, making her a criminal, and also state that you wouldn't be surprised if she murdered someone, I'm truly blown away." 

I shrugged, "I was just stating my opinion, sir. Like Jay said, the law doesn't exactly lean in my favor, so I might believe in something different than him."

Mr. Rivera looked at me, "Carmen, you're fine. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I think jay's in the wrong."

Jay and I both looked at each other, before looking at him, saying at the same time, "What?"

"I think Jay was out of line, you were just correcting him on things that he couldn't understand, and it seemed like you had something personal in the matter. THough, I will say that the jab you made with an Eye for an Eye, looked personal to Jay as well. A little too personal. So, here's what I'm going to do, you guys, are going to go into that classroom over there, it's empty, close the door, and have it out. Seriously, just yell at each other for the rest of the period. It'll give you time to blow off steam before your next class."

He pointed to the room to the left of us, "Go on, you only got forty minutes to get out your frustration with each other."

We both looked at each other, and my mouth dropped open, for a second forgetting that we were even arguing, to look at Jay.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now