Chapter 20

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Contemporary issues. 

This shit sucked.

Though it was honestly a little better with Daya talking my ear off, and the nonstop talking was actually growing on me.

I know, I was going batshit crazy.

"Can you believe her? I mean, it's one thing to just straight-up insult me, it's another to tell me that she would have totally worn my outfit five years ago."

"Yeah, the nerve of that girl," I said sarcastically, which made her grab my notebook from where I had propped my arm so that I could draw on it, and whack me in the head.

Now, normally, I would have punched her in the face for one, taking my notebook, and two, actually having the balls to hit me with it, but this was Daya, kinda hard to stay mad at the bitch.

"I'm serious."

I shrugged, "I'd take that as a compliment, you'd be surprised what was popular five years ago, none of this overpriced sportswear shit."

"Yeah, but Tristan doesn't care about that, she just wants to trash me because I put effort into what I wear. You wouldn't understand that."

I laughed a little when I snatched back my notebook, "Haha, very funny, but believe it or not, I put thought into what I wear."

"Really, you do?"

"Absolutely, I look for what gives off leave me the fuck alone the best."

Daya laughed, "Of course."

Jay looked at me, "Yeah, definitely doing a good job of that."

I smirked, "Thanks, I really try."

"That you do." He smiled at me.

I smiled back before my phone started buzzing. 

It was a payphone number that was way too familiar. 

It was the phone that Rex and I used when one of us was out, and the other one was in, to check in. Usually, because we didn't get the luxury of going to visiting hours, we were too busy working on getting back in. 

The teacher, think his name was Mr. Rivera, was talking, and looked at me for a second, as if to say, are you gonna turn that off?

The answer?

I got up and just walked out of the classroom. 

"Can she do-" Jay was saying as I closed the door behind me.


"Hey, spy girl it's Rex."

I smiled a little, "Hey, you're calling from the payphone." Then it hit me, "Which means you're out. Holy shit, you're finally out."

I heard him laugh through the phone, and I imagined him leaning against the payphone with him holding the phone in his palm, playing with the cord because he considered it entertaining. 

"Yeah, I am. Which means Carmine's, tonight at seven. Don't be late."

"Yes, Drill Seargent," I said with laughter in my voice.

"Hey, I'm serious, don't be late."

"Okay, okay, I won't be," I said, with a smile growing on my face.

"Good. See you then, Spy girl."

"Yeah, sure thing, T-Rex." 

I hung up and it hit me, hard.

We were going to Stephanos. We were both out. 

We were both free.

I walked back into the classroom in a daze. Not even caring when Mr. Rivera blinked before opened his mouth, "Welcome back, Carmen."

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now