Chapter 32

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Really quickly just wanted to say that, my new book's first chapter has officially been published, check out Goth Girl Gone when you get the chance. If you like my style of writing, highly recommend reading it.

Okay, that's all...

 The clink of metal forks on a plate was starting to ease its way into my head, and I had already started to drown out Sammy's lecture about how we were ruining the environment.

Some shit about polar bears and how they won't have a home once the icebergs melt.

I'm just sitting there, eating the chicken that's on my plate, while also running thoughts through my mind.

Jay had mentioned to me about the whole thing with needing to turn in an outline for my English project that I was trying to get out of.

And now it was a question of to do it or to not. That was the question.

Sammy had stopped talking, and Allison was talking to her about how great it was to be an advocate for the environment, and then it got quiet.

I looked up, Jay, Sammy, and Allison were all looking at me.

"What did I do?"

Allison blinked, "I asked you how was school today?"

I shrugged, "Social studies sucked."

"I bet it did. Uh, Carmen?"

"Yeah?" I asked, disinterested at how she was pretending to care. Like, what the fuck did she want?

"I heard from another parent that there was a blog article published on you, and some of the details of it."

I looked up, trying to avoid this conversation, "So?"

Allison huffed, "So, do you care to explain yourself?"

I glanced over at Sammy, trying to figure out how to say it without her figuring everything out.

I then shifted my eyes to Jay, who looked at Allison, "Mom, come on, we don't need to-"

"Jay, I want to know what happened."

I let out a long breath, "What happened was I took the fall for someone. It wasn't me trying to set the guy straight."

Jay looked at me with wide eyes, and Allison scoffed, "I find it hard to believe that someone like you would take the fall for someone else."

I can't win, can I?

I shrugged, "The things we do for family." I muttered under my breath, though they all heard me.

The rest of dinner was quiet, other than Sammy not reading the room, continuing on about some Disney movie that she wanted to see.

Me and Jay were on dish duty, even though I told him that I would do it.

The looks he was giving me after I said I took the fall for someone were enough to make me want to run away while I  still had the chance.

It was the kind of look that meant, 1, what the fuck are you talking about, and 2, you better fucking tell me what you're talking about.

I started the water running, pulling out the trash can so that I could quickly get it over with. The water was loud, and I hoped that it was enough to tell Jay not to talk to me.

It wasn't. 

He swiped the plate in my hand away from me, put it down, turned the tap so that even more water was rushing out of the spout, and pulled me farther into the large kitchen, away from where Sammy and Allison were starting a game of go-fish.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now