Chapter 14

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My eyes slowly fluttered open and shifted to the small clock on the nightstand between the two beds, reading 7 o'clock.

Wait, hold up, two beds? Where the fuck was I?

My mind started to panic before the events of the previous day flooded back.

Okay, everything made sense now.

I smiled as I remembered last night and how we ran from that cranky prune.

I hadn't done that in a really long time, and I thought about how good it felt. The adrenaline that I got was better than any high that had been described to me. 

Damn you, Rex, for making sure that I didn't get into that shit.

Speaking of Rex, I needed to go see him, because, well, it was weird not seeing him. I usually expected to see him right outside my cell after about ten minutes of all of us being up, and then I would have to listen to him talking about some weird dream that he had the night before, or how the guy in the cell next to him snored so loud he barely slept.

I swung my legs around, putting my bare feet on the carpet. Jay was still asleep, he supposedly didn't wake up until eight. 

Better for me, who needed to change in the bathroom. I pulled the duffle bag from underneath the bed and looked at the contender. 

A few shirts, a black jean jacket, some ripped jeans, black and blue, a zip-up hoodie, black, and some leather bracelets. A bag with a toothbrush and all that shit was there, along with the makeup that Ms. Sunshine had put out for me.

Oh, shit, she put all this together?

Damn, that woman tried way too hard.

But I mean, she was spot on with the clothes. I grabbed a white shirt, the demolished black jeans, and the black jean jacket, before heading to the bathroom to get changed.

When I was finished with all my makeup and everything, I put my old clothes back into the duffle, using the makeup bag as a partition between the dirty and clean clothes. I zipped the black duffle up and slid it back underneath the bed. 

Why have I not unpacked?

Well, you never know when you're gonna need to get the hell away from somewhere. 

I checked my phone, Jonah hadn't answered me about where he was. 

I had my juvie kid shit, he had his foster care shit. Like, every two months he'd get moved somewhere else because he'd never want to stay in the same place for too long, that way he didn't get attached.

I huffed. This guy.

He might have been in-between places, he usually was whenever I got out of juvie. 

I tried calling him, the phone rang for only a few seconds, and then went to voice mail.

Did he just?

That little bitch just declined my call.

After everything I've done for him, he goes and declines my call.

Me: I'm offended

Jonah: I can't talk right now.

Me: Just tell me where you're crashing

Jonah: No, I don't want to get you in trouble again.

Me: It was one time, and you're not gonna get me in any more trouble than I want.

Jonah: I'm in-between places right now.

Me: So you're staying with Mark?

Jonah: Mark moved.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now