Chapter 7

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I was standing with my back against the wall in the abandoned hallway that just moments ago had people racing around it. I was bored out of my mind but it was better than sitting in a class where a bunch of people who had no life would be. 

My hands were in my pockets, I was trying to hide the bruise forming on my hand from hitting that guy in the face. Usually, I had something to cover up the blood, but nope, of course not at a high school.

I could have gone to the nurse but who the hell was I kidding? I would be sent back to whatever class I was supposed to be in, and they'd make sure I got there.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling as I heard footsteps. Probably just a student that was going to the bathroom. Whenever someone passed me, they would give me the Norwegian side-eye. Yeah, rude, I know. 

The person was almost about to pass me but stopped. 

"Shouldn't you be in class?"

I scoffed and put my eyes back to stare at Daya. Her honey hair was pulled back instead of down like it was this morning and there were latex gloves on her hands. She also sported a dark green lab apron. I raised an eyebrow and she smiled sheepishly.

"Science lab today."

I nodded, "Seemed obvious."

Daya gave me a look that meant: answer the question. I sighed.

"I should be in class, but I don't want to be in class. Therefore I am not in class." I explained delicately.

She stood next to me and discarded the gloves in a trashcan nearby. Now, I hadn't gone to school since first grade, but I'm pretty sure you don't just throw gloves that have been exposed to chemicals in the trash. 

"Well then, you might need someone to keep you company."


She smiled, "Look, I hate science classes. They are so boring. So I might as well stay here."

I shook my head, "Look, Daya, I'm not a charity case and I don't need your company."

"Well then, I'm skipping classes because I want to."

I looked at her wearily. The only reason she would be skipping class was that she wanted to keep me company. She would get detention, and I know that I don't care about that shit happening to me, I care about other people getting in trouble because of me. I'm not soft, I just don't want her to get in trouble because she was being nice.

"Daya, go back to class."

She shook her head. Here I thought I was the most stubborn person in the world. 

"No. So, do you have a stash or something?"


Then I understood what she was saying. Why does everyone think that juvie kids always have drugs or cigs on them? I don't get it.

I could go for a cigarette, but that wasn't the point. I wasn't addicted to drugs or anything.

"No, I'm not that kind of person."


I looked up at the sky, "Because I never got into it. I had a guy in Juvie who made sure I didn't get into that stuff."

I missed Rex. Him cracking a joke at me or someone else, us ganging up on some newbies who thought that they ran the place, helping each other out. Making sure we didn't get involved in the back alley deals. 


I laughed, "Why?"

"Because I wanted to try being a little rebellious, you know, the thrill of it."

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now