Chapter 38

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Forgot to talk about this last chapter, but what do you think of Rex and Carmen saying the 143, if only while drunk and in Rex's head?

Any questions for me?

And the revelation about Jonah? Could this be the start of a sequel with him as the main focus? Maybe him and a familiar character....? 

I'll let that sink in.


It was dark. Everything was dark, and I wanted it to stay that way. The blanket covering me kept all of my heat surrounding me. I didn't want to even think about opening my eyes, it was way to comfortable.

My head hurt. 

A lot.

I let out a groan, it was like a tiny hammer was being jammed into my head every second.

"Fuuuuck............" I droned, rolling over.

Fine I would wake the fuck up.

My eyes slowly opened, and were met with a brick wall to the side of me, along with a window with white sheer curtains over it. The window had been opened a little, letting a cold breeze worm it's way into the room. And I became aware of the sirens blaring from beyond the glass

Wait, brick wall, a window, sirens?

This wasn't Sammy's room, and wasn't Jay's either.

Where the fuck was I?

Oh my god there was ibuprofen on the bedside table. I didn't care where I was, there was a pain killer. 

I started to move my arm, forcing it to junt out from the blanket, and grab the pill from the table. There was water too, but I didn't need it. The pill slid down my throat and I really hoped it would work quickly.

Okay, now time to worry about where the fuck I was.

I wasn't in my clothes from last night, because my legs were bare. I looked down, and a black t-shirt covered me. 

It smelled like smoke and cinnimon. 


I tried to get up, but I was pushed right back down by a strong arm around my middle, my eyes followed the arm to the bare back that was facing up, and sure as shit, Rex's face was turned towards me. 

He looked so calm. 

I started to lean in towards him, but there was an unsettling feeling in my stomach. 

Oh fuck.


I saw a door, and beyond that door, a toilet.


I started to move Rex's arm off me so that I could get up. 

Please don't wake up, please don't wake up.

When I finally could move, I hauled ass over to the bathroom. 

Bile started to rise in my throat, and I slid into first base before sticking my head in the toilet.

And puke.

I tried to move my hair out of my face, which I was successful in, but I was having a really hard time supporting myself.

And then I felt two hands grab my hair from behind my, freeing my own to support me. 

One hand left to start tracing circles on my back. 

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now