Chapter 40

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Rex: It's happening again!

Carmen: Uh, why is this a big deal?

Rex: Shut up main character.

Her hand was in mine as we drove, and it was sending electricity up my arm and through my entire body.

Carmen was finishing up her bagel, and I was trying to replace the 80's babymaker's tape with a cassette I had bought at an old record.

Green Day.

It wasn't working though. I couldn't get the original cassette out.

"How the fuck is this supposed to work?" I breathed out in frustration.

I tried to figure it out, while still focusing on the road, or at least focusing as best I could.

Carmen laughed a little before taking cassette from my hand, pressing a button, replacing the cassette, pressed another button, and then Boulevard of Broken Dreams started blasting through the speakers.

"How did you do that?"

"Amazing what you can accomplish in the passenger seat, huh?"

I glanced over, "Yeah, look at you eating a bage and drinking coffee without having to worry about if you having breakfast could kill you or someone else."

"Among over things."


"Amazing what you can do when a wheel doesn't limit your space."

I looked at her, with her eyebrow raised, but she wasnt' going look me in the eye.

I got it.

I turned on my turn signal.

"I'm pulling over," I said in a lower voice.


"I'm pulling over," I remarked, sneaking a glimpse at her again. 

"Uh, why?"

I smirked, "To see what could happen if  the wheel wasn't in the way."

Carmen smirked a little but then she punched me a little, "Dude, I can't be late to school."

I looked at her emerald eyes, and the way she was smiling at me.

It was the same way she had smiled at me this morning when she woke up in my arms this morning. 

I didn't know about her, but I'd be perfectly fine waking up like that for the rest of my life. 

"I really want to pull over," I groaned.

"Yeah, so do I, but I can't be late to math, that teacher hates me, well, I mean, she hates that I know all the answers already."

And even though I really wanted to just stop the car, climb over to her side, flip us around, recline the seat, and just give a big fuck you to the sexual tension that was building up from being this close, I relented, switching my turn signal off.

"Okay, fine," I said with a smile, which she returned.

"My attendance record thanks you."

We pulled into school, kids were everywhere, just like the last two times I'd pulled in the place.

Unlike those times though, I forgoed pulling into the parking lot where there wasn't a lot of foot traffic, instead driving right up to the front of the school.

The last times I didn't want everyone to see the car I was driving, I didn't want them to see Carmen get out of the car and think she was in a gang or something.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now