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Author: Okay, um, well, hi guys. this is actually the first time I've ever done something like this, so uh, just bear with me.

(Rex and Carmen are too busy arm wrestling to pay attention, Daya is trying to record this, Jay is trying to keep Sammy from hugging the author-

Author: I don't mind if she wants to say hi

(Sammy comes up and hugs the Author's legs, not letting go. Allison is checking her phone, and Eliza is trying to strike up a conversation with her. Meanwhile, there's a shadow of a person sitting in the last chair)

Author: Okay, let's jump right in. First question, it's actually for our main character, have you actually seen spy kids?

Carmen: Hell yeah I have, they were some of the only movies that we had in Juvie my first few years. I think it wasn't until halfway through the first movie that I had the thought that Carmen Cortez and I had the same name. 

Author: Cool, to be honest, I think it's so underrated, I love those things.

Carmen: Probably why you named me Carmen. (Raises eyebrow)

Author (Flustered): Okay, no comment. Uh, our next question is for the third character we are introduced to, Rex. SO why are you in Juvie this time?

Rex: Something about how printing fake IDs is a crime or some shit. 

Author (Nods): Yeah, That is a major crime.

Rex: I mean, is it really, technically it's art.

Author: No, it really isn't. Speaking of art, this goes to Carmen, are you a good drawer or painter? I mean, you seem pretty skilled with a few spray cans, if we gave you a brush or pencil, could you do the same thing?

Carmen: Yeah, I guess, you know. I've been working on it, definitely helps to spruce up those cell walls, you know carving out stuff into the wall.

Author: So, more graffiti?

Carmen: Technically, it's not graffiti if it's my room.

Author (Rolls eyes): Why did I have to make you so technical?

Carmen: I don't know, you're the goddamn author.

Author (Huffs): Our next question is for Rex and Carmen. Is your relationship a brother/sister relationship, or something more?

Rex: Well, you know, I wouldn't object if she started taking an interest in me or anything but-

Carmen: What he means to say is we're bros.

Author: But that whole goodbye had some sparks, care to talk about that?

Carmen: (Raises eyebrows again) I don't know, I didn't write the thing. How about you tell us what's gonna happen with us, huh? Maybe we should be asking you the questions, that's a better idea than what you're doing. Like seriously, I could be tagging, or stealing, or something else to get my ass thrown back in juvie. It'd be better than here. 

Author: Girl, I created you, don't disrespect me.

Carmen: (Grumbles) Yes, mom.

Author: Okay, that's just weird.

Carmen: I know, I regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth.

Author: Ahem, moving on, This one's for Daya. Who's side are you on? I mean, are you for Carmen, or against her? I guess, can we trust you?

Daya: Hmm, hard to tell, you know? I guess I'll just have to see what's going on. I go off facts, and the facts say that Carmen basically told me to piss off. So, I don't know. I see myself as a trustworthy person, but I hate liars, so I might end up hating Carmen.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now