Chapter 36

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There was no way in hell.

"What are you doing here?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Well, I couldn't miss my own sister's birthday, considering how upset she was that she couldn't visit me because she was spending too much time with her dead best friend, or is it boyfriend now? I'm so confused about you guy's relationship right now."

I huffed, "Get the fuck in here, you dumbass."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him in, before wrapping my arms around him, which he quickly returned the favor of.

When I let go I sized him up.

He was taller than me, and his muscles were more profound than mine, but other than that, we looked like we were standing in front of a mirror.

His green eyes playfully looked at me, "Missed you, Carmen."

"Yeah, I missed you too, bro."

"How longs it been?"

"About a year, you know, since I took the fall for your shitty decision," I said raising an eyebrow.

Jonah huffed, "You're gonna hold that against me for the rest of my life, aren't you?"


And then another voice entered the fray, and two arms came around my waist, pulling me into the body.

"Either, I'm seeing double, or the Bianco twins are finally reunited," Rex said, his voice light and happy.

"And either I'm dreaming, or you came back from the dead," Jonah said, smiling.

"It's complicated." Rex said, releasing me as I felt the extra warmth of his body slip away.

"Everything seems complicated with you," Jonah huffed, before outstretching his hands, "Come on, I haven't seen you in what? A year?"

"No, I was in juvie back then."

"Oh, then it was five years ago."

"Yup," Rex smirked before pulling Jonah in for a guyish hug.

When they parted, Jonah looked at both of us, "Damn, the old gang back together."

"I wouldn't say gang, it might make the family nervous." I said with a wink.

"Speaking of..." Jonah trailed off, looking over my shoulder to where Sammy was standing just a few feet away, looking at him with big eyes.

Jay was a little farther away, but still watching all three of us.

And Allison was still doing work.

It looked like Jay was about to say something, but Sammy beat him too it.

"Carmen, you have a lot of friends," She then turned her attention towards Jonah, "I'm Sammy, what's your name?"

I looked back over at Jonah, trying to see his expression, but instead of mockery, or a smirk on his face, there was a sincere smile plastered on.

Jonah walked over to her, and bent down a little to her level.

"My name's Jonah. I'm Carmen's brother."

"You guys look like twins," Sammy blinked, looking back and forth between the both of us.

Rex put his arm around me again, before jumping in, "That's because they are."

"Woah..." She drew out, "That's so cool. So like, do you guys have a mind link or something so you can know what the other's thinking?"

Jonah laughed a little, smiling a smile that I hadn't seen in a really long time. His smile was impeccable, some said that we had the same one, that mine was just as amazing. I didn't know if they were right. Because where Jonah had a great smile, I had a great smirk and grimace.

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now