Chapter 11

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My shit was thrown off the bed. 

Actually, everything was thrown off my bed, the blanket, the sheet, the pillows, and Jay was punching a wall over and over again. 

What the hell did I just walk in on?

He let out a yell like he was pissed at the world or something. 

Uh, what do I do in this situation?

"Jay? Hey, uh, Jay? Stop doing that, um, you're gonna hurt yourself."

Too late. He hit the wall again, and this time, his knuckles started to bleed. Letting blood run down the wall. It was like he didn't know I was there.

The one thing with me and talking, I was never very good at it. I was the person who'd punch first ask questions later. So yeah, this whole trying to calm someone down wasn't exactly my strong suit.

"Welp, I tried to do things the nice way," I huffed. 

I quickly walked up to him as he tried to take another swing at the wall, but before he could, I grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back, along with his other arm. And then I swing him around, letting go so that he landed on his own bed with a plop.

He tried to get up, but I wasn't in the mood for battling it out with this guy. I pushed him back. Hard. But before he went down, he took a hold of my arm, taking me with him. 

I hit the bed and let out a grunt with the impact as I took notice of how I was positioned. He was on top of me, holding me down. He let out another cry, either in pain or anger, hard to tell, and brought his fist back. 

Shit. He was gonna punch me now? There was no way in hell that was gonna happen.

I grabbed his hand as it started coming down, and used his own velocity to allow me to flip us over. Me on top of him, holding his hands above his head, so he couldn't use them to try and land a punch on me.

I quickly noted that Jay was left-handed. It was the hand he had been using to punch.

"Look, dude, you gotta calm down, okay?"

"You shouldn't be here. Gavin should still be here." Jay said between short, erratic breaths.

His already tousled hair was wild and all over the place. And his eyes. Damn, those way-too-nice eyes were crazed and glossy, like he wanted to cry, but he really couldn't. 

My hair probably looked a little weird too, considering my beanie was about to fall off, and I had just, one, flung a guy across a room, two, gotten pulled down onto a bed, and three flipped someone who was basically on top of me, over in an attempt to avoid getting punched.

In case you needed a recap or anything. 

But in summary, my hair was probably a mess.

"Yeah, I know it sucks to lose someone that was like a brother or some shit to you. But do you really think hurting yourself, hell, throwing my shit around, is gonna bring him back?"

"He shouldn't have done it, he shouldn't have jumped."

I remembered when I had to deal with Rexs panic attacks and outbursts when something reminded him of that night that his brother killed himself, in front of him. He got over it eventually, seeming to find peace with it, but I still remember the things that I said back then. 

"It wasn't your fault. If you felt that he was a brother to you, he probably felt the same way. Hell, you probably were one of the reasons he stayed so long."

Jay's breathing started to even out, finding a rhythm again. He didn't speak for a second, he just looked at me. 

Okay, now I was starting to register what position we were in. 

Yeah I was in Juvie. Get over it.Where stories live. Discover now