40. Speaking about You

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~ When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine.


Correcting the exam papers was one heck of work. I angrily flipped through the papers.

1. Draw the number line 1<X.
☆ A number line : 1<X.

2. Fill the blank. 6, 10, ___, 18, 22
☆ (6+10+18+22) = correct answer.

I was pissed! Is this child playing with me or what? Urghh... I felt like beating her. At the end of the paper there was a small note. I gulped my anger and took a deep breath.

"Dear maths ma'am, I didn't study. But PLEASE give me 100/100. I promise to study next time. Thanks."

I needed to cool my head very badly. I think I am going mad. To sum it up, a sudden thought occured to me.


No. No. Noo!!!

He. Is. My. Cousin!!!

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!" I really am going mad.

I ran around the house. "Ammar, idiot! Come with me to the park right now! Or else----!!!"

The next moment I was in the park.



"Happy birthday, Zameer."

"Happy birthday, Shehzad."

"Eh!!? It's not my birthday!" Shehzad yelled through the phone.

"I know dude, but when people wish you, it's polite to wish back," I said.

"Such an idiot," Shehzad groaned.


"Going to the park with Hania. Wanna come?"

"On the way, Shez."


Coming to the park was a bad idea. Shehzad began relating to me the story of his long lost cousin. While Hania was blabbering non stop, even knowing that we weren't paying heed to whatever she said.

"Okay, so Amyrah is your cousin right?" I mused. Shehzad nodded.

Hania looked up at us with her cheeks puffed out, "Amerah, Amerah! Everytime speaking bout her. Baby will tell her."

Eh? Shehzad nervously looked at me and shook his head, "No, we are not!" Hania narrowed her eyes, then shrugged. I sniggered loudly.

Just then my eyes caught an awfully familiar person. I looked at Shehzad murmuring, "Speak of the devil... um... I mean... uh... there she is."

Shehzad tilted his head and seeing Amyrah with her siblings whispered, "Oh Allah, we are dead."

"Why are you suddenly scared of her?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He replied with a, "Hehe."

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