45. The wedding day

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A/N : This book isn't over yet. Bored of it, huh? Don't worry, just a few more chaps...😏

I am so sad rn, bcz I read a book and one of my fav character just got killed. I even told my family abt it and they just gave me a look😭


~When you planted flowers inside of me I thought you were going to water them too.
Silly me, they died.


The giddiness and the nervousness didn't help the butterflies from fluttering in my stomach, and worst of it all were the stares from hundreds and hundreds of people.

As soon as the nikah had taken place, we had all got inside the car and left to the wedding hall.

Currently, Ammar, Rayzah, aunt, uncle and I were getting down from the car, with almost all the people surrounding us, giving us their smiles, prayers and handshakes.

I just smiled, more like--- no, just forget it.

Then Azreena aunty aka Shehzad's mother came, practically running towards me and almost tripped. Geez.

"Darling! I am so sorry for coming late. It was actually all Shehzad's fault," She said with a laugh slapping his arm and quickly leaving.

"My dear cousin's always like that," I teased.

Shehzad just averted his eyes from mine and I heard him whisper something like, "Shouldn't she be crying or something?"


I giggled, realizing he described Bushra. The day when they got married, all Bushra did was wail loudly, saying, "I can't leave my home!" Poor Shehzad, he had such a bad time.

Bushra was the bride of the month. She actually cried and hugged almost everyone present at the wedding. Okay, crying is fine, but to an extent.

When Bushra had hugged me, she asked me one surprising question. "What if my mother in law slaps me?" I almost fainted after hearing that. Like how did that thought even go inside her head!?

I had stifled my laughter and assured her that Mrs. Malik would never do that. In response, Bushra said that in almost all the wattpad books she read, the saas (mother in law) is the most evil creature who slaps the dulhan (bride) because she is the one who changes her son.

What kind of mentality was that!? I almost screamed at her for reading such books. Humaira, Zehra and I had lectured her that no such thing would ever happen. And in case it does, we told her to give us a phone call.

Finally, long after midnight she had agreed to leave to Shehzad's home and all the guests had breathed a sigh of relief and some had even yelled Alhamdulillah.

Humaira, Zehra and I were awake the whole night, just in case Bushra called. Thankfully she didn't.

It's hard to believe that almost five months had passed since they had married.

A year ago, when Azreena aunty had said that Shehzad will be marrying Bushra, I had been shocked to my core. It felt so disheartening at that moment. Maybe it was because I had believed that just as Zehra said Shehzad had actually wanted to marry me.

In a way, I knew Shehzad and I would never get along well. If Allah hasn't written him with me, then it's all for good.

Still I couldn't help but think,

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