Chapter 11: No. Freaking. Way.

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The pencil I'd been holding in my right hand slipped through my fingers as my mouth dropped open, while his gaze landed on me and he actually had the nerve to smirk at me. He smirked at me!

The teacher kept going on about how she expected us to treat him with the same amount of respect that we treat her, but I wasn't listening. The gears in my mind kept spinning, making my heart beat faster, and my breathing begin to accelerate. How could this happen?

Out of all the qualified students in this building—out of all the not Jared students—he had to be the one chosen to be a TA for my geometry class?!

I. Hate. Life.

I suddenly felt something poke my cheek and I swear I jumped so high out of my chair I literally almost fell out of my seat. My head immediately snapped to the culprit and I shouldn't have been surprised.

Jason motioned towards Jared. "You two have a thing going on or something?"

"Absolutely not!" I cried.


"Uh, yes!"

He laughed. "Well, from the way you looked at him when he walked in I would've guessed differently."

"W-W-Well you're clearly mistaken!"

Class continued on with Mrs. Short doing the usual of making us take notes, before giving us a worksheet over everything we'd taken notes on. I'd gotten half way through the worksheet when I got to a problem that I was completely confused on. I absolutely could not do it, so I just sat there, hovering my pencil over the problem, completely lost.

"Are you having trouble?" Jared asked, as I snapped my head up to his, only to find my lips mere inches from his as he was leaning down towards me, so he could see my paper.

I could feel my breath getting stuck in my throat as I looked into his eyes, before they began flickering between his eyes and his lips without my permission.

I pressed my lips together tightly. "N-No, I'm fine,"

He looked at my paper. "So," he dragged out the 'o', "why don't you show me how to do it then?"


"Ok," I whispered, turning my face back towards the paper and just sitting there, hoping he'd go away.

Unfortunately when I looked back up he was still there, his face spreading into a slight smile as I rolled my eyes.

"Do you need help?" he asked again.

I shook my head, refusing to look at him. "Nah,"

"Yeah, you do,"

"No, I don't,"

"Yeah, you do,"






"Will you just fucking shut up and let him help you?!" Jason hissed as I snapped my head towards him, narrowing my eyes.

Jesus, please help me.

I looked back at Jared, gesturing towards my paper politely as he chuckled, taking the pencil out of my hand and beginning to explain how to do the problem, but I couldn't pay attention. My attention was too focused on the perfect curve of his jaw line and the way he fidgeted with the pencil while he was thinking. And then he bit his lip, continuing to speak. I was no longer listening at all. My mouth had dropped open again as I watched him.

He was way too perfect for his own good.

"You think you can do it now?" he asked as my gaze snapped up to his.

I nodded my head. "Mhhhmm,"

"Alright, show me,"

I squeezed my eyes shut, looking back at him with a smile. "Maybe... I wasn't listening."

He sighed, trying to keep himself from smiling as I smiled too. "Well, what were you listening to?" he asked.

"I don't... know?" I said, giggling, but it came out more like a question.

He chuckled and I could tell he was trying really hard not to laugh. "Alright, well I gotta go help other people, so..."

I tried not to smile, but it was really hard.


And then he walked away and went to help another girl.

"Sure, there's nothing going on between you two," Jason whispered in my ear.

I blushed. "Shut up," I mumbled. 


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