Chapter 4: Important Advice

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  • Dedicated to My Best Friend Forever Ally


Anna and I had decided to go out today, since it was a Saturday and we had nothing else better to do. We went to the mall here and literally shopped until we dropped. Anna, of course, had an overflow of bags that she kept dropping. I had a decent amount of bags, that wasn't too much, but also wasn't a lot either.

So, we decided to stop by the food court. I decided on Chinese while she went and got Asian food. We sat down at a secluded table in the mall and just chatted—about Nathan mostly. She said she was worried about the two of us, and I wouldn't blame her. I was beginning to worry about the two of us myself.

"What's up with you guys?" she asked. "You use to hang out all the time and now it's just like he doesn't even care about you."

I twirled my fork around in my food, thinking of how I was going to explain this to her. It wasn't like I could just say that I didn't like him anymore. I mean—did I? How was I supposed to like a guy who didn't even make an effort to be a part of my life? Like I said, it was just like he was with me, to just... be with me.

"I don't know what's been going on with him. I tried to talk to him yesterday, but we got... interrupted." I whispered the last word.

"Interrupted?" she asked quizzically.

I nodded, still looking at my food. "Cassidy and Jared, gosh it was a disaster."

"Jared, huh?" I knew she was smiling mischievously.

"That's not the point, Anna," I sighed, before muttering, "I don't even know if I want to be with Nathan anymore."

It was the truth. Why would anyone want to be with someone who didn't care about them? Didn't bother to call in and say hello, or how are you? He doesn't care about me. That's the truth.

I heard Anna set her drink down and I knew she was going into serious mode. "Do you like Nathan?"

"I don't know," I whispered, "I used to, but he's not the same guy anymore."

"Well, Mallie, if you don't know... then maybe you two should just stop seeing each other. I mean, you don't know if you like him and he doesn't even make an effort to see you. Why should you have to suffer and feel bad? Stop thinking about how he's going to feel if you two break. I know that sounds like... a bitch's perspective," she chuckled, "but it's also kind of true. You need to think about how you're going to feel, if you two break up."

I looked up at her. "You're right, Anna."

"Mallie, you don't realize how much time you spend trying to help everyone else. Just because you help everyone else, doesn't mean you don't need help too."

I nodded my head. Anna was right. I do spend a lot of my time helping others, and in that time I forget that I'm human too and I have problems just like everyone else does. Even if it isn't as serious as everyone else's problems... I still have some too.

"Well, wadda you know," I heard a voice say.

I looked up.

And you're not going to believe who was standing there. 



As of right now, I'm sure all the events that are occuring make perfect sense, but I just want to warn you I haven't edited the next chapter and like I said it's unergoing major editing, so you're probably going to be totally confused. Just a warning.

Thank you guys so much for reading!


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