Chapter 26: Dinner

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-Mallie's POV-

I sat in the chair, in front of the mirror as Aunt-Hailey curled my hair. Anna and I had gone to Deb and she helped me pick out a really cute dress. It was a strapless, coral pink colored dress that came down about three inches above my knees, with lace and a belt. I also had a light denim jacket to go with it in case i got cold which I'm positive I would. Aunt-Hailey was practically in love with the dress. Me on the other hand, I liked it, but I wasn't about to go crazy over it. My mind couldn't stop itself from wondering what Jared was going to look like. Either way I knew he was going to be just as hot as he was when he was wearing anything. No matter what he wears it makes him look super hot. I smiled at that thought and Aunt-Hailey laughed.

"What?!" I asked, laughing.

She smiled, curling one of the few, last strands of my hair. "I know what you're thinking about." she said.

"Really?" I wondered with a surprised tone, raising an eyebrow at her.

"You're thinking about Jared aren't you?" she asked picking up the last strand of hair and curling it.

I laughed. "Maybe,"

"Deny it all you want, but I know you are!" she smiled. "Ok, I'm done, lets just hope your brother and your Uncle are too."

"Aunt-Hailey they've been done for a while!" I said.

"Well come on then, we don't want to be late!" she squealed.

I laughed as she walked out of my room, going down the stairs. Before I left I grabbed my over the shoulder bag and threw it on, then grabbed my sandals and put them on.

"Mallie, let's go!" Ryan yelled as I came walking down the stairs.

"Relax, I'm coming." I said as I stepped off the last step of the stairs.

Uncle-Steven sighed. "Alright let's go," he started to walk out the door, but Aunt-Hailey stopped all of us... with a camera in her hand.

Oh, great.

She smiled. "Wait, wait! Let me get a picture you all!" she squealed ushering to stand in the living room.

"Aunt-Hailey seriously, can we just go?!" Ryan whined ushering towards the door.

"Ryan Michael, if you don't get your butt over here and take this picture-!" Aunt-Hailey started.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Alright, alright, take the picture." he sighed coming to stand next to me, putting his arm around my waist.

I smiled and so did he then Aunt-Hailey took the picture. When I had just thought we were done she made me take one with Uncle-Steven too. By the time we were done my face hurt from smiling so much.

Uncle-Steven sighed, opening the door. "Alright lets go!" he motioned for us to go out the door.


When we got to the restaurant I really didn't want to get out of the car. I don't know why, but I was really nervous about seeing Jared here. Strange right? I mean it wasn't like this was any different than seeing him at his football game. Taking in a deep breath, I opened the car door, following my Aunt to the restaurant.

As soon as we'd gotten inside Uncle-Steven spotted Jared's dad, Henry. Henry waved him down, then Jared's head turned in my direction and I think when both of us saw each other we had the same look on our face. We were awestruck. He had a navy blue button down shirt on and he had the cuffs of his shirt neatly folded up to his elbows along with a pair of dark blue faded jeans. Three words:

He. Looked. Hot.

To say this guy standing in front me was my boyfriend just made my stomach fill with butterflies. No, that was an understatement... just thinking about it made me feel like the whole world was flipping upside down. We were the only two still standing, just staring at each other.

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