Chapter 14: He Stole My Doughnuts

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"What are you doing?!" I cried.

Jared was currently at my house, raiding my pantry, stealing all the good snacks, and eating my doughnuts!

"What?!" he yelled as I stared at him like he'd just committed the worst crime on this Earth possible.

"Those are my doughnuts!" I yelled back. "I don't even let Ryan touch those, so if you think you're getting special treatment then you're completely wrong!" I snatched the mini-glazed doughnut bag out of his hand.

Seriously, no one touches my doughnuts. No one.

He stood there with his mouth open, showing me all the un-chewed pieces of doughnuts that he'd eaten.

I immediately scrunched up my nose in disgust. Ok, that's just gross. "Eeeeeewww!" I cried. "That's gross!"

He closed his mouth, laughing silently and chewing at the same time as I stared at him with raised eyebrows.

What is wrong with him?

"Come on," he'd finished chewing his food, "please, just give me some doughnuts."

I laughed. "No!"

He took a step closer. "I'm hungry,"

"Then eat some—," I looked at the label on the bag of chips, "—original Lays chips."

"No." he simply said as I continued smiling and holding the bag of doughnuts away from him.

"Too bad, you're not getting any."

That was when Ryan walked in with the most unusual expression, staring at the both of us like we'd both grown a third arm or something.

"What are you two yelling about?" he asked.

"She won't let me have any doughnuts!" Jared argued.

Ryan laughed. "Yeah, sorry man, she doesn't let anyone touch her doughnuts."

I gave Jared the what-did-I-tell-you look, but he just stood there, narrowing his eyes at me as I stared back.

"Are you trying to intimidate me into giving you doughnuts?" I giggled.

Ryan snorted, rummaging through the pantry. "Good luck with that,"

"You're supposed to be backing me up here dude." Jared said, staring at Ryan with a blank face.

The doorbell rang before any further arguments could be put into play, so I—taking the doughnuts with me—walked to the front door, setting my bag of mini-glazed doughnuts on the decorative table—which held a lamp on it—beside the door.

Only, when I opened the door, the smile that had been on my face was completely wiped clean when I saw who the culprit was.

It was Nathan.

"Oh," I whispered, "hi."

He smiled. "Hi,"

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He sighed as I walked forward and shut the door behind me, leaning against it for support.

"Look, Mallie. You were right... about everything. I really wasn't making an effort to be a part of our relationship and I realize now how that might've made you feel and I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I never meant to make you feel that way and I'm really sorry for being such an ass."

I looked at him and smiled a little. "Thank you,"

"And when I said that I loved you... I really did mean that."

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