Chapter 9: I Will Never Understand Boys

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He cares.


He'd only just met me about how long ago? And he already thinks he can use that line on me. How pathetic.

I stepped back away from him. "Jared, you've only known me for what? A week maybe? And you honestly think that if you say you care about me I'm going to believe you?"

"Well then why don't you get to know me?" he asked.

"I just broke up with my boyfriend I don't think I'm ready to jump into another relationship." I explained, before realizing what I'd just said. I immediately slapped my hands over my mouth.

"You broke up with Nathan?"

"Ugh!" I threw my hands out to the side in frustration. "Why do you care?! Why do you keep doing these things?"

He took a step closer to me and I could immediately feel my heartbeat sky rocketing and my breath having trouble going in and out of my lungs correctly. It was like my body completely froze as he came into closer proximity with me.

Why did he do this to me? Why did my body have to react to him this way? I'd only met him a week ago, yet my body was acting as if he was the one. As if he was the most perfect, most hottest guy on this planet—which he was not.

My eyes flickered to his lips.

Ok, maybe I lied.

"Why does your body keep reacting to me this way yet the words coming out of your mouth convey something totally different?" he whispered.

"I—wha—what are you talking about?" I stuttered.

He chuckled. "You know what I'm talking about Mallie."

I tried to steady my breathing as I looked up at him. "Well," I whispered, "I told you what was wrong."

He took a step back. "You're gonna think I'm an ass, but I promise you that's the first time I've ever done something like that."

"Ok...?" I whispered, feeling a bit afraid of what he was going to say.

"Ryan, he uh," Jared scratched the back of his head, "well, we made a bet about something and he said if he won," he was struggling for the words, "he said that I had to do one thing that he wanted me to and uh," scratch, "he made me date her for a week."

I gaped at him. And here I thought he was sweet and hot, but it turns out he's not really the person I think he is. What even—?! Ryan?! I can't even believe Ryan would make Jared do something like that. It's so... cruel!

"You're right," I said, "I do think you're an ass."

"Come on, don't do that! I promise you I would have never done it if I hadn't lost that bet. I'd never do that to a girl," he shook his head violently, "it's just... wrong. I'm not that kind of guy!"

"That's what they all say," I whispered.


"Why do you keep bothering me?!" I cried. "And why does it even matter to you what I think?! Just go away and let me wallow in my self-pity!"


My eyes widened. "I mean—I—uh—I'm going to watch Netflix!"

Oh, lord, this is so embarrassing. I can't believe I just actually said that to him! I'm such an idiot. What is wrong with me?!

"Did you just say—?"

I cut him off. "That I was going to watch Netflix? Yes!"

I mentally face palmed.

Why do I always mange to say the wrong things at the wrong time?

"Hey, yo, man!" Ryan yelled up the stairs as both of our eyes widened. "I really hope you didn't kill us because we had a kill streak going on there!"

Jared looked like he was going to die any second. "Shit!" he hissed, diving into Ryan's room as I stood there dumbstruck.

What is wrong with boys, I will never understand.

I heard Ryan coming up the stairs, so I took one last glance at Jared's perfect angelic face, before I quickly shut the door to my room, leaning my back against the door and sliding down to a sitting position.

I sighed.

Why was I breathing so hard? It felt like I'd just run a marathon at full speed without even stopping for a second. My heart was pounding like crazy and it was seriously freaking me out.

If one conversation with him could do this to me then imagine what two a day could do. Or three! Or four! Or five! Oh my gosh, he'd drive me completely insane. And not in the bad way either. 


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Team Jared?


Team Nathan?

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